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This function was briefly covered when talking about the 'SVD - Apologise' download, but the post was removed after that short virus scare. I have a link on another message board that I want to appear to only those who reply in the thread. What is the HTML code to do this?

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no worries, we are here to help :)

A hint for next time you run into something feature related to the board... try do a search for it on the board, you never know if someone before you have had the same question. I honestly just used the search function and searched for "hidden" in the 'Announcements' section, and vióla!

Very handy tool :)

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The search function for the website is also amazing for tracklistings. I used it recently to prove the existence of that obscure Conductor and the Cowboy track (sunshine) when no-one believed me! :D

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I'm just being nosey lol, but whats the context here in having to use that code.

I'm intrigued, nothing else. I've been trying to think of why people could only see a link if they posted, and why. I'm baffled :D

People often post their mixes because they want to share their tastes and get some feedback from other people. The idea behind the 'hide' function is twofold: one, it encourages people to post feedback in the thread for people's mixes (not guaranteed, but they are likely to return with their thoughts); two, it prevents guests and randomers anonymously leeching your audio (maybe even replicating the link somewhere else on the web). Lastly, it generates interest in a topic with new replies and allows the owner of the mix to see who has or hasn't downloaded their mix, judging on the replies they have got. :)

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