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Euro's 2008 This Saturday

Marty Mayes

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I couldn't give a monkeys armpit to be honest. Its not the same without England being in it.

As long as Germany, France or Portugal don't win (I hate Ronaldo), then i'm not that arsed. The Dutch are a nice bunch though - really laid back people and they love the Brits too, so I hope they win.

I think they should ban any foreign team from entering the European Championships :P

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I always find it so hard to guess who's going to win. Germany and especially Spain always underachieve, I'd love Spain to finally win something, but it'll never happen lol.

I've got a tenner on France to win purely cos I got odds of 12-1, could be a rather good move.

And I've got Sweden in the sweepstake at work, fairly happy with that. Anyone could win it I guess, except Romania lol, what a group that is :D

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oh wait.. we aren't going to the Euro Cup :rolleyes::P

seriously... we have sucked at soccer since 1992, it's about that time now when a new coach need to step up and do something.

im not really into who's good or bad these days (except DK), but i wouldn't mind if Australia won the next World Cup... they played a brilliant game against Italy and if it hadn't been for that stupid judge, they would have won.

right.. back to Europe... still dunno who's good... England? ;)

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Germany and especially Spain always underachieve

Germany underachieve!

They're the perrenial over-achievers if you ask me, look at their recent success, World Cup Winners 1990, Finalists 2002, Semi Finalists 2006

European Cup finalists 1992, Winners 1996.

Wish England had a similar record

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