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The X Factor Winners' 'song'

Max Kane

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I'm biased in my ramblings on this so please excuse me if you're a fan of said show.

Firstly why do people still watch this pap? It's the same s*** every year & just irritates the hell out of me. The drivel I have to sit thru during work listening to people whinge about results & such is unbearable.

I also cannot see the appeal of Simon Cowell, the man is (well I'll tone this down) a complete t**t. Arrogant & self important beyond belief. Louis Walsh is a prick, simple as. Danni Minogue is a walking contradiction, preaching about having talent & telling people how to sing when she herself cannot. Cheryl Cole is fit, but she's married to Ashley Cole & is as such an non-entity when it comes to being a credible human being.

The music that is trotted out as a result of this show is also shocking. The only saving grace is that 99% of the 'winners' seem to have less air time than Rushen & Diamonds primadonna left back before dissapearing hopefully for good.

During my morning visit to the gym I had to endure Leona Lewis' new album advert 4 times, each time being told how amazing she was & how she has 'changed the UK music scene' with her 'totally unique voice' & 'world class album'. My issue here is not her voice as she can sing but the total over-hype that goes with it. She hasn't changed music as she is merely a karaoke singer (albeit a very good one) who does as she's told & sings the songs she's told to sing. The fact that her album has been re-released as a 'delux edition' is another example of the shear cold marketting acumen that she represents. Basically she's covered (what a surprise) a well known song & then tagged that onto the original album but charges her gullable fans another £10 for the privilege.

My final gripe (for the moment as there are many more) is the choice for the 'winners' song this year. I heard it on radio one this morning & simply can't believe that they've chosen Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah'.

The gaul of Cowell & co to have some trumped up, over-hyped puppet cover such a song in such a way is apauling. Then having her blub thru the performance as if the words mean anymore to her that cold hard $$$$$$$.

The song should have been retired after Buckley's version all those years ago.

Apologies for the rant, I'll return to my happy-go-lucky self from now on

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I don't like how the show is taking over everything it can these days. I watched about 20 minutes worth from the season just gone, and that was pretty much because of Cheryl Cole being on it.

I want to see some potential Chirstmas Classics of the future each year too, and X-Factor is preventing these because each year it is the karaoke winners who often take the number 1 spot. I don't mind hearing Christmas songs, but they are predictable and we need new ones. Move aside X-Factor ... please? :(

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What annoys me is all the publicity, clearly 'leaked' through Cowell to get people talking about the whole thing even more. You've got to give it to Cowell though, he knows how to make money out of this whole thing and unfortunately I don't see an end to it. Its global appeal is outstanding and seems to be self-fuelled. I don't want to generalise, but women / girls (probably more the latter) just can't get enough of X-Factor and could quite easily spend all day talking about it too.

I was well pleased that Geraldine's single beat Leon in the charts. In a year's time you won't hear of him. Cowell must have been gutted when he won it and had to put money behind him.

I barely listen to 'music' radio these days, preferring to listen to 5 Live which I actually get something out of on the way to work.

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We essentially just need the 'heat magazine' culture to end. It'd also be good if R1 stopped trying to sound like a commercial radio station without adverts for their daytime shows. Much prefer the likes of Kents KMFM, Radio 2 or Classic FM thesedays. I agree that this year's winner's song is awful, but, they don't know until the last moment who will win therefore they choose a song that any of the 12 finalists could record. It's a shame they can't say to the public that in 2 weeks, a bespoke and original record will be released. They'd never do that though because of the hype surrounding the winner and competition in general. The show is a good example of capitalism, ego and hype.

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Argh, I was right p***ed off about this earlier, wasn't expecting it on here.

Agree with everything here. Jeff Buckley had "the X-Factor" and deserved to cover it.

The thing that annoys me most isn't the show in general. Its the fact that people are stupid enough to believe its 'good'. Branch out a little eh, don't make Simon Cowell tell you what is good.


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Well, BLIMEY!!!

Can I just say, I am not a fan of the current Celebrity culture we're in, nor the X-Factor.

Although if Simon Cowell asked me to dinner (to put it politely) I'd be straight round there.

What I am going to say though is, that if you do not like The X-factor (same as I don't)

Why do you know and hear so much about it, coz I don't.

I have children one of whom is an 11 year old girl, and loves the program but that doesn't affect me, I work in a shop full of merchandise from the program (karaoke machines etc) it doesn't affect me, my dad is a massive X-factor fan, he cannot stand the music, the people, the judges, he just loves watching it and laughing at how s*** some people sing and how rude some judges can be.

I personally CANNOT stand Louis Walsh what a total knobber, but so what, it doesn't affect me.

What I'm really trying to say is, why are you so angry about it, why not just avoid it? I do!

You really shouldn't be getting so upset about a crap TV show. :wacko:

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The show is quite funny in its early stages when all the pillocks go on to the auditions - that's the best part of the show in my opinion.

Simon Cowell used to annoy me - but he seems to have mellowed over the last couple of years. He can be quite humerous at times, particularly on Britains Got Talent, and he is fairly honest with his feedback. He's also given a hell of a lot of money to charity, and he's helped people out too. On a TV chat show once, there was a lady being interviewed that had three kids. Her husband had just died, and as a result, they hadn't got his income to pay for the mortgage - and they were close to having the house repossesed. Simon Cowell was up next to be interviewed, and the first thing he said was that he was going to pay the ladies £128,000 mortgage outright for her so that she didn't lose her house. There's not many people that would do that, so fair play.

Louis Walsh is a bit of a big kid and can say some daft things, but at least he doesn't take himself too seriously - unlike the other three.

Dannii Minogue, to be fair, is always overshadowed by Kylie. In my opinion, Dannii Minogue has always been the best singer of the two, and she's the better looking one too.

As for Cheryl Cole though - as an individual, she's quite a poor singer. She's criticising people on the X-factor that are actually better singers than her.

I'm quite mixed about the show. Its not everyone's cup of tea, but i'd rather watch that than crappy repeats of programs that we've seen hundreds of times before, or that cringeworthy karoeke-esque program that was hosted by Denise van Outen and Ben Shepherd a few months ago.

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In reponse to ignoring it, I do ignore it (or as best I can) but when it's literally everywhere it's hard. It's all over the news all of the time when there are far more triffling matters to report on & as I said the winner's song has already got an ad on the tv at my gym, which like many has it's own feed playing s***ty music vids & ads for met-rx weight gaining products.

My rant was spurred on by the choice of song for her to sing, that's what really gets me

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Unfortunately I had ignored it, YOU brought me the news of what the Xfactor winners song was gonna be and yes my heart did sink a little as I do love that song. But hey, I aint gonna buy this version, I can still love the old version, and also if you think about it, kids nowadays would never even hear this song unless it was covered by an artist from now, and it is a song they should hear, it may even make them play the old versions and take a different musical path, isn't that what the charts usually do.

Would all of you have moved onto dance music had you not heard some chart dance first, or should I say more mainstream stuff first!! Like SNAP, Technotronic, dare I say 2-Unlimited, Guru Josh, Alternate!

Just a thought!

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I got into dance music via Jules & Pete Tong on Radio 1, having to be driven to swimming training & competitions when they were on was my basis for getting into it.

I do take your point but I'm not commenting on the general implications for the masses, just me personally. I hate that they have released 'Hallelujah' & I hate the way it's performed with the usual 'let me see how many notes I can elongate to prove I'm a diva' falsetto voice & the teadiously cheap production.

If any youngster discovers Buckley or Cohen as a result I'll be amazed, the people who listen to such pap generally rejoice in their tastes & have no connection with music of such calibre anyway.

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In reponse to ignoring it, I do ignore it (or as best I can) but when it's literally everywhere it's hard. It's all over the news all of the time when there are far more triffling matters to report on

Yeah thats a fair point. Its the same with Big Brother - I hate that crap with a passion, yet for 2 months (or however long its on), I know who's abused who, who's been voted out, who's been put into the house - in fact, we know almost everything that is going on, yet I chose not to watch it because I don't care.

At the end of the day, if people are interested, they'll watch the programs on TV. If they've watched it, they don't need to be told by the radio and newspapers. If people don't watch the program, they probably don't care about it, so they don't wanna hear about it on the radio or in newspapers either.

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I hate the celebrity jungle and I still have no idea who was in there!

The only reason I know who was on X factor is because I watch Harry Hills TV Burp sometimes because it takes the p*** out of these things.

Laugh at it, I find it's better than raising your blood pressure over such crap!

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Well actually I just saw a bit of "X-Factor" best and worst on the telly and as I shouted up the stairs to my daughter, to see if she wanted to come and watch it I realised that it also serves the purpose of giving us TV to watch together, she likes the crap singing dollies and I know the songs, we can share opinions on people, it's pretty harmless, it beats me watching KIDS tv and her watching Adult TV! Surely thats another small plus point to such shows.

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Since I got Sky+ I don't have to watch anything I don't want to anymore, I always have something I want on.

In fact now I don't have enough time in the week to hear and see everything I want to!

I like Dancing on ice, there's nothing more amusing than someone falling on their ar*e or a so-called celebrity smashing the back of their head into rock hard freezing cold ICE! :)

And Philip Scholfields hair getting bluer and bluer every week!

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