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There aren't that many clubs left in Newquay now but The Barracudda is good and so is the Sailors pub which has a nightclub attached. I use to go to Tall Trees but that club has now closed as it changed to a lap dancing establishment which didn't take off. It is now going to be pulled down and flats are going to be built on the site.

BTW where are you staying?

I like Newquay but it's really a holiday resort with beautiful beaches etc so l don't know what its like in the winter.

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A mobile homepark jobby, we all goin dressed as peter pan characters, I'm smee (yes I know beard is going you beauties staying plus gonna turn me hair and sideburns white for the night! ;))

WE have to checkout walkabout as one mates being the crocodile :lol:

Barracuda and sailors will def be on the visit list!

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I'm going to a house party. We always use to go out in fancy dress and visit most of the pubs in town before heading off to The Barn Club where a good time was had by all. However these days l can't be doing with having to wait an age at the bar for a drink which is served up in a plastic cup and having to pay a small fortune for both the entry to the club and for the drinks.

Are you going out?

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Are they raving mad in Newquay, or just gay? :lol:

People who live there (in Newquay) don't have the money to spend on such things as lapdancers so once the holiday makers had gone home the place was all but empty which is why they called it a day.

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I love going to Newquay & even during the so called 'off-season' there seems to be plenty of folk about. I was there in October & enjoyed myself.

As for NY eve this year I'll probably just go local then a house party or something

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People who live there (in Newquay) don't have the money to spend on such things as lapdancers so once the holiday makers had gone home the place was all but empty which is why they called it a day.

I'm sure we could have found them somewhere in Coventry to work :P

I love going to Newquay & even during the so called 'off-season' there seems to be plenty of folk about. I was there in October & enjoyed myself.

It looks like Tom got to see these lapdancers before they finished then :P

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I'm a regular visitor to Newquay as I surf. We went for NYE in 2006/7. It was hilarious. You HAVE to go in fancy dress mate. 99% of the people out will be dressed up so you'd probably feel out of place not in costume. We went as the three amigo's. It was p1ss funny.

It's much better to go there at this time of year as the population is much decreased and less of the chavs will be there. It's just locals and surfers now so a pretty chilled atmosphere. It's totally up to you where you go but personally I'd avoid Sailors and Barracuda like the plague as those are the two places where you'll find the idiots. Belushi's is pretty chilled and Central is ok. There aren't really that many places to go in Newquay to be honest.

Have a good one pal.

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I thought 99% people in every town did fancy dress NYE? The other 1% go as Chavs, all year round though.

They do it here, then they wander round the pubs all night wondering where else there is to go because the town is s***!

I can't find anyone that'll babysit 3 kids on NYE so I just sit home and seeth with envy, although most people I know just moan about the prices, the busy-ness, hangovers etc, NYE used to be my most absolute favourite club night of the year.

I don't really drink and I love packed places so I'd be ok!

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Yeah NYEis totally overrated. That's why it's fun going in fancy dress as you can just d1ck about and have a laugh. I had a dance-off with Ali-G outside Central in Newquay at 12oclock! How many times in your life have you seen a Mexican man and Ali-G having a break dancing competition? Ha, ha! :lol:

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Sounds an exciting opportunity Jason :)

I once went to Newquay about 6 years ago with school mates after we passed our exams. Great effort, we just packed, got up one morning, found a camping site - something like £7 a night per pitch and went for a week!

Great time and great laugh!

I'm sure you will enjoy :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right better to post on correct topic!

We started off at a well dead well like 30 people roughly not ilclduing staff in Walkabout about half 8 or summat, we got on the first bus from the caravan park (7 quid return!)

we moved on swiftly to er a club next door to Divas called red? which has another club directly opposite, spent a few hours there then spent the rest of the time including midnight outside Central which was bloodey well packed! we decided to get some food from kfc then go back to caravan about half 1ish

I took a load of pictures of me and my friends and also a just under 20 minute video from midnight onwards on my mobile which id upload but photobuckets s***, anywhere for videos like megauplaod i could wack it for viewing?

Oh yeah I did take a video before midnight while we were singing along to Robbie-angels, and at once point we were singing along to Tom Jones Delilah aswell :lol:

I did notice Greg James was at Berties, I was tempted to stray to get a quick word with him to se if he remembered a certain Tom Wake ha ha but was not to be! :lol:ageness

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Im bloodey suffering now with a stinking cold :(

I have a sony ericsson phone so the video is in quicktime 3gpp format and its just over 19 minutes long,i tried windows movie maker to divide it up into sections but it doesnt support that format ,i tried twice uplaoding to photobucket but it failed both times around 30% I havent a clue where to upload to.

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Thatd be superb guvm I got mozilla thatll do the trick?

Has it got in-built FTP software mate? If not, i'll find a freebie 30 day demo of something for you to use.

I think the problem you're having is because you're uploading via a web-based browser, and because the filesize is so big, it's timing-out.

FTP is the way to go for large files :D

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