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Facebook the Ba****ds


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sooo i does a bit of self promotion on facebook last night, basically posting some items on my account on my page and notes etc, and set ma status etc for a new mix and then decides to post it in a message to all members of my group about my new mix, and add some links on various groups which i usually do, only to find my account suddenly gets permanently disabled!!!

I wouldnt mind if i had carried on doing something wrong, but i hadn't even been notified or told about this and now i cannot log on and all my info has gone from my facebook group and on my page etc, whats more annoying is iv potentially lost alot of the friends and promoters i had been in contact with via there!!

i dont know of a way of getting it back, but if anyone can help, give suggestions etc it would be appreciated or even if its happened to them before, as its highly peed me off, not really the fact my account may of gone and even some info, i can put that back, it takes time but nothing else, its the contacts going and the time it will consume thats gone thats annoying.


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You can contact Facebook and ask them to re-consider your account, but they aren't obliged to re-open it.

I know there's a limit as to how many new friends you can add per day, and they're quite strict about spam. If they feel you're using the site to over-promote rather than using it for social networking, then they ban people.

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of the friends and promoters i had been in contact with via there!!

i dont know of a way of getting it back, but if anyone can help, give suggestions etc it would be appreciated or even if its happened to them before, as its highly peed me off, not really the fact my account may of gone and even some info, i can put that back, it takes time but nothing else, its the contacts going and the time it will consume thats gone thats annoying.


Well I have two facebook accounts for just such an occasion, can you not just get yourself a second email address and re-register basically, you still have the ian k group on there I see. Someone must have reported you, because I have a million DJ's on my friends list and they are always posting stuff to promote theirselves or old tunes, or club nights etc!!

I thought you had blocked me, I was getting ready to give you a hard time about it! LOL

Maybe it was because you were ONLy using it for self promotion? I dunno, like I say loads a DJs and clubs on my list are doing that!

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You can contact Facebook and ask them to re-consider your account, but they aren't obliged to re-open it.

I know there's a limit as to how many new friends you can add per day, and they're quite strict about spam. If they feel you're using the site to over-promote rather than using it for social networking, then they ban people.

i know what ya mean but on the contrary there are sections on the why has my account been disabled section saying if your account was diabled, basically if your a an artist music group click here etc

ill try get the link when im not in work and post it and have a read for yaselfs.

iv messaged them anyways

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Well I have two facebook accounts for just such an occasion, can you not just get yourself a second email address and re-register basically, you still have the ian k group on there I see. Someone must have reported you, because I have a million DJ's on my friends list and they are always posting stuff to promote theirselves or old tunes, or club nights etc!!

I thought you had blocked me, I was getting ready to give you a hard time about it! LOL

Maybe it was because you were ONLy using it for self promotion? I dunno, like I say loads a DJs and clubs on my list are doing that!

i am gona re-register prob if it doesnt get sorted, thats not a problem but its the hassle of input everything on ma profile again, lost alot of pictures from it, but i suppose i can re-tag maself from others pics again

its the contacts lost thats a problem, and the effort involved, and the fact i didnt get a warning thats more annoying.

alot of artists use that site, i know they do, even jules!!

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i am gona re-register prob if it doesnt get sorted, thats not a problem but its the hassle of input everything on ma profile again, lost alot of pictures from it, but i suppose i can re-tag maself from others pics again

its the contacts lost thats a problem, and the effort involved, and the fact i didnt get a warning thats more annoying.

alot of artists use that site, i know they do, even jules!!

In fact....I had a message from Jules official page yesterday saying about T-shirts, judgement theme and bring the noise, but then I did geta message from Jules' own page (not the fake guy on my list but the real one) that was just a message, so maybe if you want to use it for Networking on a promotional front, you just need to call it that way.

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In fact....I had a message from Jules official page yesterday saying about T-shirts, judgement theme and bring the noise, but then I did geta message from Jules' own page (not the fake guy on my list but the real one) that was just a message, so maybe if you want to use it for Networking on a promotional front, you just need to call it that way.

maybe thers 2 types of accounts on facebook? a social 1 and a promotional/artist one.

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maybe thers 2 types of accounts on facebook? a social 1 and a promotional/artist one.

Yeah there that's what I was thinking, but i still think someone has reported you, you know where you can click report this message otherwise how would they know really? Unless you really did go overboard with the pushing of your wares? ;)

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Just a thought - i'm assuming all the tunes in your mixes are legit?

Its amazing how many people post mixes on Facebook using illegal downloads of tunes that haven't been released yet - and they've normally added those same artists as friends, so as soon as it goes out to them, they're not gonna take to kindly to it and report those people that are using their dodgy tunes.

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Bad news Ian K, sorry to hear about that sir! Serves as a warning to others! Semms like you've just been unlucky. On the plus side, you won't be visible to stalkers and employers. I would suggest sending a nice polite email to facebook asking if it can be reopened - and then promptly make a second account if possible. Maybe be more selective to who you send the mixes out to next time?

If all else fails, you can always withdraw your sword and reenact a medieval battle and slay the facebook dragon in your garden :D

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Is it ok to send a link of a mix in a PM though? I have done that only twice...Is it just because you sent it to loads of people, put it as your status etc...that they did that to your profile?

He was ON ONE, that night! That's why, or someone reported him!

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Just a thought - i'm assuming all the tunes in your mixes are legit?

Its amazing how many people post mixes on Facebook using illegal downloads of tunes that haven't been released yet - and they've normally added those same artists as friends, so as soon as it goes out to them, they're not gonna take to kindly to it and report those people that are using their dodgy tunes.

i have possibly done this, but im careful of the mixes i post now......i slipped up posting a mix on the anjunabeats forum once doing that......oooopss

any ways i had to re-register, and re-add people again, also your not allowed to use facebook for promotion, instead you have to create a "fanpage" and do it that way

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Ian - you can also set up a group - which is probably the best way of doing it to be honest. You can set up any kind of group you like, and Facebook don't really object to it. I set mine up about 3 weeks ago, and added 200 people straight away without any warning.

Its only when you try to add too many friends that you get a warning because they see you as someone targetting people to 'spam' rather than to 'network'.

If you do it the right way without being 'forceful', Facebook is probably one of the best promotion tools around.

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