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It's a year today


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It's a year today since I gave up smoking, the biggest help I had was from Derren Brown, in that it's all in your mind! I had a few fags after my supposed quit date, but instead of just starting smoking as normal again, thinking I'd failed, I just carried on as a non-smoker again and saw that naughty fag as a minor misdemeanour!

I had tried giving up many times before, even hypnosis, all failed, but this time those fags weren't gonne beat me.

Now I'm richer than before, and for the first winter ever, I haven't had one cold, cough, sinusitis.....nothing!!!

I truly don't get out of breath pushing double buggies full of shopping up hills anymore, I don't run my life by where I can squeeze in the next fag, I don't have to go and stand outside in this s*** weather once an hour!

I don't feel like I ever smoked now, it was hard for a few weeks but worth it!

If you smoke, you should give up!!

PS Why can't I post dynamic images anymore!?

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i've tried smoking only once and it was horrible. I dont get why people do actually smoke or what forces them to do it in the first place?

And as for women smoking, its a big turn off, no one like a lay-dee with a mouth like an ashtray.

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Hmmmmmmm If you smoked you wouldn't notice!

i suppose, its one of the first things i notice about a woman, well done for kicking the habit though. Now you're no longer a smoker i feel more comfortable in saying it's just not a classy look!!

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i was a smoker myself and i totally hate them now even friend's somking around me makes me feel sick it's a disgusting habit and it really damages your health i watched my dad die due to these f***ing things & it's not nice id advice anyone who smokes to seriously try and give up!!

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