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Big fake of Cirez D - SOS Booty


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Cirez D - S O S (Acidimon Bootleg) :wall:

somebody trys to do reconstructions of Sir Chaz Dos Santos bootlegs i think it happens more times but somefing like this i dont like because is our friend and i will tell all the people is a big fake..Chaz is only 16 now and he do some great bootlegs and some w***er comes and coppy his work.. f*** him :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I hate people milking off someone else fame. I had this problem when I made 'Good Ascent', somebody directed me to a video on You-Tube where somebody had made a version of 'Good Ascent' themselves. Don't know who did it but I contacted the uploader of the video and told them I was the original creator which later got my details on the link ;)

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what a sh-itty thing to do indeed, Goal poaching is the term used in football.

Takening credit for something you haven't done yourself is stealing in my eyes, pretty low thing to do, Dont worry Chaz mate we know it was your magnifico idea to create this Bootleg!

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Yeah..........not to mention poaching the fame of the original makers of the tunes you have all mashed up for your own benefit!!


Just a comment, nothing personal but it's true isn't it!

yeah i understand you there but im not poaching fame off anyone, im not after fame at all just i noticed that there was a killer mashup on the cards when i heard these two tracks and took the opportunity to bring back two classic tunes from two awesome producers as they are years old now. Sorry if your offended mate but i made this mashup to give jules' fans something different :)

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I'm not offended, and I am a Jules fan, and to be fair my comment wasn't totally aimed at you, it was more to the people slagging off whoever copied your mash up, if they have? Particularly Tim who said......

I hate it when people rip off other peoples work. If they are capable of reconstructing other peoples bootlegs then why don't they just make their own instead? Surely that's far more satisfying.

Not having a go at Tim but his comment did sorta hit the nail on the head!!! I was just reading down them all and thought, hold on a minute..........isn't that what people could say about these mash ups!

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just want to let you now this guy told me hees sorry for his mistake but now is to late he rename it but is everywere shared under a diferent name im sorry Chazz i worked hard for this to not happen but is happend thats really annoying :blackeye: :wall: :wall:

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Yeah..........not to mention poaching the fame of the original makers of the tunes you have all mashed up for your own benefit!!

I don't see how they're poaching the fame of the original tune makers though? They're not ripping off the original artists work - they're simply using two tunes to make something new - so they're addicting their own twist to it. Poaching someones fame is blatantly ripping off someone elses work.

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Why? I think I'm right, no one asked Sting if they could use the rift from SOS did they? Did Simon ask Travel if he could use Bulgarian to try get a tune played by Judge Jules? Because he hadn't yet come up with a tune of his own that was good enough or that he was brave enough to use!

I realise that these mash ups can be pretty cool tunes, I like alot of them, and I don't particularly care if someone rips of Sting, he's a c**k, I was just making the point that it is still ripping off other peoples work for your own benefit! Isn't that why they are called Bootlegs?

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I realise that these mash ups can be pretty cool tunes, I like alot of them, and I don't particularly care if someone rips of Sting, he's a c**k, I was just making the point that it is still ripping off other peoples work for your own benefit! Isn't that why they are called Bootlegs?

Ripping someone off though is taking a copy of their work. Creating a bootleg isn't copying their work - its using two samples to create something new - the samples are just the 'ingredients' so to speak - the bootleg producer is using the 'ingredients' to do something completely new with it. They'd be ripping off the producer if they did an identical copy of another artists tune - which is what Burien is saying happened with C.D Santos's bootleg.

If someone baked a cake using Homepride self-raising flour, Tate & Lyle sugar and a jug of Severn Trent water, the the person that made the cake would take the credit for it - they wouldn't say to their mates, "oh well, it was nothing to do with me - its all down to Homepride, Tate & Lyle and Severn Trent because I used their ingredients".

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Well no because the flour is made to BE an ingredient, other peoples records are not made to be ingredients. They make very good ingredients sometimes, but it is still ripping them off.

Maybe if you'd made a tune from scratch and then heard someone had mixed it with another tune (that you may not even like) and put their name on it, and got a World famous DJ to play it alot, you would see what i mean!

I realise I think what Burien was getting at, and well done to him for sticking up for a friend and another Board member, but no matter how you wash it down, it's still ripping off other tunes, for your own benefit!

I don't really see what the guy on Youtube had done that was so much more wrong than what any bootie maker does.

Why did he do that on Youtube, was it just to show he could, or that it was easy, or that he didn't have the real tune so he knocked it up himself for some reason?

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Maybe if you'd made a tune from scratch and then heard someone had mixed it with another tune (that you may not even like) and put their name on it, and got a World famous DJ to play it alot, you would see what i mean!

I do agree with what you're saying there. If someone has made a bootleg, then it should be named "Original artist vs Original artist - Song title (Blah bootleg)" so that the original artists still get recognition. I disagree with people naming bootlegs under their own name to try to raise their profile, for doing, in reality, very little. Just because someone can make a bootleg, doesn't mean they're suddenly a good producer. I can, and have done, bootlegs, but I wouldn't know where to start with production - and it doesn't appeal to me either.

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