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Early nights.....


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Does anyone else ever have an early night thinking it'll do them good, but actually wakes up feeling ten times worse? I feel sooo tired today, but after having three early nights in the past two weeks, and each time feeling like i've done ten rounds with Tyson afterwards, i'm trying to resist having an early night.

I'm a very deep sleeper so i'm not sure if thats why it affects me so much. We've had a house fire in the street, police helicopters hovering nearby, a car crash further down the road (not all on the same night - I don't live in Coronation Street!) - and i've slept through it all. The A-team could smash my door down and run down my hallway and i'd probably sleep through that too.

Very odd!

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I could probably use one after a big night friday & then staying up to watch the Superbowl tile 3.30am last night. Generally I don't bother I feel pretty nackered in the morning whenever I get up for about half an hour then I'm good

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Yeah I cant do early nights either. Even if I have to get up at 4am or something which I do sometimes for work I still cant go to sleep before midnight. Its not good really. I always have to stick a DVD on in bed and then I'll get tired and fall asleep. Otherwise I just lie there awake for hours.

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I can't do early nights. If I don't feel tired then I can't sleep, which means each night I usually go to bed later and later unless I have had a busy day which makes me feel shattered earlier.

I'm the same. I get very paranoid about sleep aswell. Even though i'm not tired i'll think "I'd better go bed otherwise i wont get 8 hours". I'm trying to just go when tired really. I've always been more of a night person too, i hate getting up early.

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8 Hours sleep? :o

I generally manage on about 4 and a half hours sleep. I go to bed around 2ish, but don't normally nod off til about half 2, and then i'm up at 7.

Weekends (Fridays and Saturdays) I tend to go to bed around 4am and wake up whenever I feel like it generally. I tend to get up early in the summer, but can't usually be arsed in the winter because its cold and dull with nothing to do lol.

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ha, thats the idea. usually i average about 5-6 worknights. Weekends i'm really bad, usually in bed by about 4am and up at about 1400hrs!!!

i go bed on average of 1 - 1.30 and up at 7.30 and i start 2 get used to it, occasionally it does catch up on me and i go bed at like 10.30 - 11 and yes it does help

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I would like to join you Ems (thats suprisingly dirtier than I first thought!!) but my artwork is spread all over the bed and I have no energy to pack it all up to go to sleep.

that would nil hours sleep then. Or is simon the one hit wonder? :P

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Does anyone else ever have an early night thinking it'll do them good, but actually wakes up feeling ten times worse? I feel sooo tired today, but after having three early nights in the past two weeks, and each time feeling like i've done ten rounds with Tyson afterwards, i'm trying to resist having an early night.

I'm a very deep sleeper so i'm not sure if thats why it affects me so much. We've had a house fire in the street, police helicopters hovering nearby, a car crash further down the road (not all on the same night - I don't live in Coronation Street!) - and i've slept through it all. The A-team could smash my door down and run down my hallway and i'd probably sleep through that too.

Very odd!

Sounds like you are run down to me

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Thats what you youngsters call it these days is it, "artwork" :o

ROFLMFAO that's hilarious!

BTW I wake up feeling like I just died EVERY morning. Like really really terrible, can hardly move, nor speak until I get a cup of tea. I even went to the doctors about it. Apparently though I'm ok just old before my time, due to the years I spent clubbing no doubt! :wacko:

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ROFLMFAO that's hilarious!

BTW I wake up feeling like I just died EVERY morning. Like really really terrible, can hardly move, nor speak until I get a cup of tea. I even went to the doctors about it. Apparently though I'm ok just old before my time, due to the years I spent clubbing no doubt! :wacko:

Try regular exercise and a healthier diet

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