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This news makes me sad


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When will peiople ever learn, how horrendous this is!!! And how it CAN and DOES happen every year, the same news.

Last year it was a Rottwieler on boxing day that a 6 yr old had taken her 18mnth old brother into the garden to see, when it attacked and mauled and killed him. This is disgusting!!

I had to fight one of these dogs off of my cat once, it was horrific for me, imagine if it was a child though.


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Indeed its dreadful news, how do you come to terms with something like that happening to your child.

I've always been of the opinion that you buy a dog after you have had a child and not before as a dog(s) can become jealous when a child suddenly appears on the scene. Certain breds of dogs just can't be trusted with small children and no matter how placid a dog may appear to be they should never be left alone with a child.

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Yeah and there is always gonna be people saying, ah yeah but my dogs alright!!!

I actually stopped visiting my friend after she bought a staffordshire, it was a nice dog, but it's now a heavy strong dog and I know how hard it is to open their mouths once they bite, so i will never take my kids round there again. A shame as i do miss visiting her.

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I dunno what possesses anyone to buy a Doberman, Rottweiler or bull terrier when they have kids. They're naturally aggressive dogs and not suited as 'family' pets.

They're tricky enough to handle at the best of times, so definately not around kids.

Its the poor dogs I feel sorry for because they get put down for being vicious - when actually, its just their natural ways. Its the parents that need putting down for being stupid enough to buy one as a family pet.

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I don't like dogs full stop

Who invented them?

I read in the paper the other day that a dog mauled a girls face and she needed 100s of stitches to re-attach her lip...horrible

I don't like dogs

I like labrodores :)

I like dalmations :)

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Dogs are ace! Until last year, i've had one all my life. I love all animals apart from cats. Cats do my head in.

Who invented them?

Apparently a bloke called Jack Russell was down the pub with a German Shepherd one night and they came up with the idea............

*coughs and gets coat*

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I agree with you Ems, I don't like dogs either. I had a bad experience walking to school one day when a neighbour down the road confidently said to me 'oh no it doesnt bite', and I had a pretty damn good view down its throat seconds later!!!

The only time I ever really would like a dog is for its loyalty. To have a dog by my side during some low points would raise me up, and I'm sure other people would understand.

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I really object to these types of dogs being available for sale in this country. They've been bred they way they are for one reason and that is to fight/protect. I cannot even begin to imagine how terrible it would be to see your child having been attacked by a dog. Makes me feel sick. I see these types of dogs in the park at the end of my road and cringe at what would happen if one lost the plot and went running after kids. They're pure evil.

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Well it's the fashion where i live atm to have one of these dodgy dogs, too make you look hard and probably intimidate people too. One dragged my cat from my balcony while the owner stood there looking. Needless to say I couldn't stand and watch and set about getting the dog off my cat. Which I did but then my sill cat ran the wrong way and he chased her and caught her again. Eventually after alot of screaming and swearing I and my cat biting right through my hand and arm as I held on to her, the owner got the dogs jaw open, and I got my cat away. The dog then went after me, well still the cat I guess but i was holding her, so I actually ran into someone elses house. I laid my cat on the floor and went out to see the owner who was so brave and hard, he had got his dog and ran away.

After taking my cat to the vet, and spending a few hours in casualty myself, I found out who and where the owner was and after telling the local paper, he paid the vets bill. My cat died 2 days later though, despite efforts to save her.

The dog warden wouldn't prosecute.

There is dog s*** everywhere these days too.

People should have to have a license to own any dog. He was breaking the law by not being in control of his dog, nor did it even have a collar on.

His dog done it again, this time on a lead while the mother walked it, broke the cats neck instantly. Actually thankfully.

Needless to say I HATE DOGS!! My cats stay in now too, because of these prats who cannot look after theirselves let alone an animal!

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I wouldn't go as far as saying that all dog owners should need a licence - some breeds of dogs are harmless (for example, when did anyone hear of a poodle savaging anyone). The dogs we've had have always been good natured - simply because we've been picky over what dogs we've had, and also they've been brought up well.

People should have a licence for certain breeds of dogs though - ie, the ones which have a history of being hunting dogs or dogs which are notorious for being vicious (Dobermans, Rottweilers, certain breeds of bull terrier, Alsations, etc).

Even then, I don't really see how a license would change things - if a dog is gonna savage a child, it'll do it regardless of whether the owner has a licence or not - unless the license is issued based on certain terms - for example, the family don't have kids, etc.

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No it's because i do not like the way that ANYBODY can own a dog. And do with it whatever they like. Don't have to train it, leash it, pick up after it.

Licenses would be a start to this issue. If people had rules to stick to and were bound by the rules it would be better. For a start, alot of them wouldn't get dogs, these would be the people who possibly shouldn't have them anyway.

Responsible owners who already LEASH, PICK UP AFTER, AND TRAIN and control their dogs anyway, would probably go unaffected, as they already stick by the sensible rules. This would leave just the middle section of people who may love and want a dog, but still need some encouragement on how to look after a dog responsibly.

I just couldn't be arsed to write all that last night. I often walk in a park where everyone has dogs, nice dogs that they play with, are walking, and love. I live next to another park where the dogs are not the same, because the owners are D*VS basically. You obviously live around nicer people than I do, so maybe you are not affected by other peoples dogs in the same way.

I am miserable everyday that I look at my cat asking to go out and I cannot let it. Because it is so unsafe. I sit in my garden and I can hear staffy owners setting their dogs onto other animals. And just this morning i had to dodge around 5 large dog s***s with my pushchair and toddler on the way to school, it's not nice in pushchair wheels. I only live 5 mins walk from the school. It's ridicualous.

THAT is why i disagree! :P

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Just found this snippet on the internet which may interest you.

The dog licence was abolished in 1987 after which a

series of consultations led to the dog control measures

contained in the Environmental Protection Act 1990

and to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. In Opposition

Labour gave a commitment to introduce a dog

registration scheme, a course of action rejected by the

former Government. This paper describes recent

changes to the legislation dealing with dangerous dogs

and dog fouling. It also examines other issues of

concern to the public, including pet quarantine, tail

docking and ‘puppy farming’.


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