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My Holiday!


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Hey guys and gals.

Not been on here for a couple of weeks as I've been on holiday B) . I cannot even begin to find time to trawl through all the dozens and dozens of posts created since I was last on!

Holiday was totally amazing. I went to the Philippines for two weeks and stayed at CWC (Camsur Watersports Complex), which is basically the best wakeboarding facility in the world. We'd been talking about going for a while and so decided to throw caution to the wind and book it. The cable is situated in the provence of Camarines Sur, which isn't really an area of great tourism interest but has some beautiful volcanic landscapes. It was awesome to leave this country when there was muchos snow on the ground to travel to a country where the daytime air temperature was a guaranteed 32 degrees plus and only dropped to 24 degrees at night! The body took a bit of time to adjust to the time difference as they're 9hrs ahead and the temperature was a huge change. Got a little bit nuked by the sun on the first day but was very sensible after that with the lotion and now have a ace tan.

We went over there primarily to wakeboard but spent a good few days doing other bits and bobs such as looking at local towns, visiting landmarks etc. We saw the Mayon Volcano, which is regarded as the worlds most perfectly formed volcano! Felt really lucky to see that and it had smoke chugging out for extra effect! We said to each other that if you were going to sit down and draw a volcano that it would look EXACTLY like that! Erupts every ten years and only dribbles a bit of lava onto a few fields so not very dangerous! Looked absolutely amazing.

We were also lucky enough to swim with whale sharks! I've attached a picture below to give you an idea of how big one is! I work with fish for a career so to do this was a dream come true. We had a couple of encounters that were a bit crap because there were loads of people in the water at once but the final encounter was mind blowing as it was me and four of my mates in the water snorkeling with a 30ft whale shark (the biggest fish in the world!).


Wow :eek: !

Was quite refreshing to visit the country as the area we went to isn't very wealthy and everytime we went into Naga the whole town would stop and stare at the white people walking through the town :whistling: ! Amazing to see the carnival but as soon as we walked past everybody ignored the parade and looked at us! That was intimidating but really cool. One guy on a stall was amazed to see my blue eyes. Crazy to think he may never have seen blue eyes before!

I've got loads of photo's but I haven't the time to add them to Photobucket and then link to here so those who are on my Facebook can take a look if you like.

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Yeah it's really strange that somebody would find blue eyes so amazing. They were all dark haired and brown eyed so someone like myself with fair brown hair, white skin and blue eyes must have been fascinating.

By the way, that picture isn't me! I just nicked one off t'interweb as we didn't dare take our waterproof camera in with us in case we dropped it to the bottom of the sea! I just used it for you folk that aren't aware how big a whale shark actually is.

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Superb post sir Drugface! (that's a loose Uberdruck reference there, look it up on discogs you newbies!!)

I have never swum with sharks - they can eat you, you know... I would carry my SWORD with me diving, and should one come too close I could swish it across the shark head and draw pure shark BLOOD.... hmmm and then the shark would SMELL the blood - maybe it would EAT ITSELF!! Yes! Quadrant's shark masterplan is complete.

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I would carry my SWORD with me diving

Wouldn't it rust sir?

hmmm and then the shark would SMELL the blood - maybe it would EAT ITSELF!! Yes! Quadrant's shark masterplan is complete.

haha the follow up to Jaws 4 - Jaws 5 'The Cannibal' - a staggering 5 minutes in length. Shark gets spotted, someone swishes it, shark eats itself. Credits roll.

Quadders identity revealed - he's actually Stephen Spielsburg :lol:

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they can eat you, you know... I would carry my SWORD with me diving, and should one come too close I could swish it across the shark head and draw pure shark BLOOD

No need Sir Quadrant as whale sharks are omnivores that feed only on algae and zooplankton! They pose no threat to us Homo sapien creatures!

It's mouth was easily wide enough to fit me in though!

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No mate it definitely wouldn't swallow you! Firstly it would spook if you got that close and if it did actually grab you (which it wouldnt) it'd taste you and know you aren't food, thus rejecting you and letting you swim on your way.

I'm an ichthyologist you know ;)

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