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My DJ interview archive


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I still get the odd occasional PM asking where people can find my old DJ interviews - so i've decided to keep permanent links in my signature so that people can see them permanently, and choose the interview(s) they want to read, without having to search through months worth of posts or without having to wait for me to reply - so if you wanted to know where my old interviews got to, check out my signature from now on :D

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Just had a read through the Durand interview, was suprisingly good! Now I understand how you have been able to talk to so many DJ's :lol: I'm pleased they are in your sig now, when I'm bored I can just reosrt to a random interview and have a read of it :)

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Now I understand how you have been able to talk to so many DJ's :lol:

I do miss that side of things to be honest. I quite enjoyed it, and its nice meeting different DJ's - mainly because you get to know who the nice guys are, and who the ego's are.

The perks were quite good aswell (I guess they still are to some extent) :D

Thankfully, all the ones I interviewed were all really down to earth - in particular, Greg Downey, Dave Pearce and Mark Eteson. They always recognise me and stop for a chat now. Greg is quite shy, but a really sound lad. Mark Eteson is a cheeky chappy, but always quite humerous and polite.

John O'Callaghan and Matt Hardwick are both top blokes aswell. For some reason, despite being in regular contact with both of them, I never managed to get the timing right for an interview - i'd always ask them just as they were going on a tour abroad or about to record an album or something. They were always mega-polite though. Greg and John are probably two of the most enthusiastic DJ's you'll ever come across - they absolutely love their job!

Fabio Stein is another top bloke. He moved to London a few months ago and keeps saying we should catch up for a drink - so i'll take him up on that offer soon when we're both free and get another interview with him about what he thinks of the UK scene now he's moved over here.

Oh, Martin Roth is also a legend - again, someone else I never got around to interviewing despite being in regular contact :(

Thankfully, i've not met many egos. The only ones that are plain rude are a Mr Oakenfold, A Mr Lawler and a Mr Halliwell (not Eddie or Geri). I've got no time for any of them.

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Yeah in a way part of being a successful DJ is by being friendly and understanding ... you have to interract and get along with people because you can't get very far without support and respect. I know what you mean about some of the DJ's you have mentioned too; Fabio Stein is a sound fella, I know Rob talks to him quite a lot, but I've not had the opportunity to talk to him yet. I get to talk to John Gibbons and Scimon Tist quite often now too which is nice. It's good when they start the conversation with you especially, rather than the other way around! :)

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