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Wav to mp3 - best encoder??


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Anyone know of a standalone mp3 encoder that is of seriously good quality? I could just use whatever's built into iTunes but I want to avoid that. In the past I used RazorLame 1.1.5 but I noticed after encoding the sound spontaneously acquires loud static "blips" randomly all the way through the recording which weren't there before in the original mammoth wav file, which just isn't good enough!

Any help gladly appreciated, cheers.

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  • 1 year later...

Hehe - no worries Tim :)

Suppose my choice in encoders is a little bias because I cba to fiddle round installing and trying others. Came across this bit of kit a fair few years ago and been updating and using it ever since. Faultless MO

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There is nothing wrong with RazorLAME Tim, I've used it for YEARS and never had problems with it, I suspect you have it set up incorrectly...!!

If any of you want to convert any of your CD's into mp3s, I suggest using Audiograbber, which is amazing software, it look rather dated but trust me, its an amazing program!


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There is nothing wrong with RazorLAME Tim, I've used it for YEARS and never had problems with it, I suspect you have it set up incorrectly...!!


Thinking back, I think it was my computer dying of memory rather than the conversion itself. Have always rated it as the dog's bollocks :thumbsup: Haven't had time to road-test it again if there are any new versions, but come the summer I will do so again.

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