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I am actually worried now


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But let me explain why. I have 3 children, one of them has asthma, very mild but it's there. The other 2 are under 5 and one of them reacts extremely badly to a rise in her body temperature.

I have had a sore throat since yesterday morning, and today ahve started feeling quite rough. I have had Proper flu before and would know if I had those symptoms again, but you can never be sure what your children really feel like?

The only question I want the answer to is 'Can my children have anti-viral medication now, or do you have to wait until you are already ill?'

I can't find the answer, I really don't wanna bother the Doctor who is no doubt inundated with this kinda thing atm.

What would you do?

Nhs direct say this........Note: If you belong to a high-risk group it is particularily important you start taking antivirals as soon as possible. High-risk groups include people with long-term conditions, those over 65, children under five and pregnant women.

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I suggest you bother the doctor, it's their job so if loads of people are pestering them then you may as well be a part of the masses rather than sitting in silence.

I'm personally not bothered about it all. When things become like Resident Evil then I make think about it some more :lol:

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It is worrying especially considering that the news has reported a third of population could have it by this winter! :ill: :unsure:

I hope Gordon Brown don't see this statistic! He'll see it as a money-making scheme and tax everyone that has it.

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I went into the surgery this evening, but I was too embarrassed to say anything about swine flu.

I'll ring them tomorrow, as by the time I came back past the surgery again, having built up the courage to ask, it had closed. :(

Yes I am just the sort of idiot I would moan about.

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No I wasn't s***ting myself, exactly. I hadn't even been bothered up until the other day when I tried to read up about symptons and treatment and couldn't get the answers I needed.

Anyway I went to the doctors yesterday morning as I needed some anti biotics for my sinusitis and I told her that and then I said I wanted to ask about swine flu as my daughters have problems that would make getting swine flu more dangerous for them.

I feel I know more about it now and what to do, look out for and why.

She checked me out to make sure I didn't have it.

I feel much better about the whole thing now. People in our town have had/got it, children in a school up the road. Schools are such virus breeding enviroments, when you have kids you'll realise. Anyway, a third of the country will have it by the time we all start shutting our doors and windows for winter so there's no hiding from it, but at least I know what to do when it comes!!

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What worries me is in a lot of offices they dont have windows that open and instead use air con systems (where I worked they did not have ANY windows you could open yourself, instead they just used aircon)

Imagine someone in the office gets swine flu, those germs will spread around the air con system and hundreds of people or more can also get it.... thats the kind of thing that worries me, epidemic levels then.

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I think it's safe to say now that we are all going to be exposed to it sooner or later, and as NO ONE has ever had it yet, no one has any immunity yet, so it's just basically a case of how you deal with it when it arrives at your door! :(

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Apparently, the government have said we can now self certify, and give ourselves two weeks off work, if we suspect we have swine flu. If thats the case, then I may just have the flu next week - have two weeks off work, which will then take me nicely up to my holiday in Majorca.

Three weeks off work! Yay! Perhaps swine flu isn't such a bad thing after all..... :whistling:

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