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"I like to..."


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So, what do I like?

for starters... Coffee, with milk'n sugar ;)

- A walk around the lake with a good friend, catching up on each others lives

- Having an icecold beer with friends in the sun, while philosophizing about past, present and future life (in no particular order :) ).

- Website-posts that makes me smile or feel good inside

- Music which holds a personal history for me, being a sad or happy memory. Remembering is good either way.

- The moments when I truly feel life is worth living

Please keep this thread positive, thanks in advance B)

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Punch slow walking people in the back of head shouting " HURRY UP!"

I guess you didn't read my post properly... i said "Please keep this thread positive, thanks in advance B)", and i mean it.

I'm somewhat tired of negativism, so again... keep it positive... thank you :)

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No sorry I didn't read it thoroughly but also I said it in jest so it's kinda positive. ;)

Any HOO!!! I like to....... Stroke cats

Eat really unhealthy sickly cakes

Dance randomly and sporadically throughout the day

Watch the sea!!

Feel the wind or the sun on my face


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I like it when people see things not as negatism when people make a tongue in cheek remark about what everyone thinks when stuck on a busy street behind a slow walker. I wouldn't be making this post and Muira wouldn't have been made to look like the wicked witch of the jj board if people lightened up.

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That's a shame isn't it?!

Stop being s***ty with people, Fuzzy wasnt s***ty with Number2, he even said 'Please' and 'Thank You' ! He politely asked her to keep stuff positive :rolleyes:

I'm seriously getting p***ed off with people trying to be arguementative, and this isnt the first time you've tried to stir s*** up, pack it in man.

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Last post I'll make on this as it's way off topic partly by myself, but number 2 fan's comment made me grin, nod, and agree. I was sticking up for her and the fact that there's a difference between arguments and giving opinion, something the old jj board was brilliant at in it's hayday.

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I did actually make the original comment for a laugh, thanx JM

I like it when people stick up for me, ;) Even though you don't need to :) I'm glad it made someone smile.

I also like Lunch time at work as I am the only person who takes in a lovely selection of proper foods and while everyone else tucks into crisps and fanta I eat my avocado and feta salad, followed by banoffi pie and a frozen ribena and cranberry juice drink!! ^_^ Everyone just stares enviously at my food, and my day feels all the more complete!

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I like to:

Sit on the beach after a surf and stare into the horizon

Drink tea first thing in the morning

Sit round a fire with mates and drink wine

Beat Liverpool home or away

Have those amazing judder feelings when your so happy and positive about life

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