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J&T = Jules & Tristan?

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In the latest (friday 10th July) friday show, Jules said, and I quote "we kinda put this little mashup together of the following tune, many of you'll regonize it, I hope you'll appreciate..." just when he started playing what is listed as the following tune:

J Magic & Wickaman – Crazy World [J&T Remix] (CDR)

As i read somewhere, Tristan D is Jules' buddy, so maybe he is also his partner in crime on this one aswell as on the Earth Dong bootleg played later in the same show.

nice touch with the original tune btw, which I really like (Crazy World)

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Attrocious remix, leave the stuff alone, bloodey tripe!

hehe, I had to look that word up though I had a feeling what it meant... "utterly revolting" ;)

imho the Crazy World remix is good, but the MJ mashup is indeed somewhat Atrocious

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Has Tristan D actually done anything decent? His remix of Wippenburg - Chakalaka, that Jules has been caning recently, is completely pointless. Its just the same as the original but with a bassline that sounds really flat and mushy.

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I don't mind Tristan D's bootleg mix of bulletproof, but he is far too pally with Jules for my liking, and not doing anything for Jules's cred!! He is the proof listener for promos for Jules, he is Angelic Amandas Manager and a good friend of Davey Asprey too (I like davey though)

Just goes to show that it is true, it's not what you know..........it's who you know. (British saying btw Fuzzy ;) )

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need to agree he posted the jules remix in his global warm up show so it is J Magic & Wickaman Crazy World (Judge Jules Remix) ore (Jules & Tristan Remix) enyway definitely jules .. :wub:

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I don't mind Tristan D's bootleg mix of bulletproof, but he is far too pally with Jules for my liking, and not doing anything for Jules's cred!! He is the proof listener for promos for Jules

Agreed! We're seeing classic Judge Jules again - ignoring superb tunes, in favour of shoddy tunes and bootlegs that have been put together by friends.

Personally, I think Jules's taste in tunes went drastically downhill when Simon Patterson stopped being Jules's listener. Simon Patterson knows a good tune. Also, Jules had a "sound" then - now, Jules doesn't have a specific style - his sets are all over the place. Techy one minute, vocal the next, then floaty, then some Indie bootleg with a chunky bassline, etc. This is why i've lost a lot of respect for him :(

ALL DJ's should pick their own tunes - I don't believe in having someone 'filtering' tunes for someone else. What one person likes isn't necessarily what someone else likes. Nobody could pick tunes for me - although I have a certain sound these days, there are still tunes that people think i'd like - but I actually don't like - and there are tunes that people would think i'd hate - but actually like.

I know DJ's claim to be "busy" all the time - but they only have a couple of gigs a night plus travelling time - then the rest of the day is theirs. Even on days where they may have interviews or press duties, etc, its still not exactly a 9 til 5 job. If us lot on this board can find good tunes for ourselves even with full time jobs, then i'm sure DJ's with time to spare can do it. Their job is made even easier by the fact that tunes are given to them. We have to trawl through MP3 stores combing through hundreds of crap tunes to find the gems. They don't have to do that.

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I with you on this, Jules has been playing stuff on his show literally a week before release or after example the new mixes of signum, Virtual Vault etc.. which leads me to beleive hes definately missed these in the filtering process.

Hell I'd love to filter through 500 tracks a week to find some of the gems he never plays.

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ALL DJ's should pick their own tunes - I don't believe in having someone 'filtering' tunes for someone else. What one person likes isn't necessarily what someone else likes. Nobody could pick tunes for me - although I have a certain sound these days

See with me I have certain people who send me tracks that I may have missed out on. It takes me about a week to get round to playing what they send over, and although they all know my style and taste in music, there are often some tracks I hate, yet some that I love. In the end, the only way to do it is to do it yourself because it's yourself who knows what sounds you like better than anyone :thumbsup:

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We could all filter and be filtered for, but it wouldn't have the same 'heart and soul in it' feel, that it has when you choose a tune that you think is so awesome you cannot wait to play it to other people and show them how fantastic it is.

As we know Jules is pretty much non-stop on working hours and he does listen to promos himself, (getting up at 5am to do so) and he most probably gets sent tons and tons of dire tunes too, I suppose he just asked someone who's taste he respected to help him out, but what we get, is what WE get. I mean I like alot of stuff the same as alot of people on here, but I bet our end results if we fitered tunes for eachother, would be different!!

I'm pretty sure I could filter the tunes better for Jules as indeed everyone must be, coz then it would be all tunes WE like ourselves.

Anyway, i don't think he does it all the time, I may be wrong.

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I have to agree with Briggsy. Having someone filter for you is just plain lazy. First and foremost Jules is a club DJ. He should be leafing through tunes like everyone else, this is why he is no longer top dog anymore.

Even if i had Jules' lifestyle, i would still insist on finding tunes myself. Thats half the fun of it, finding that rare tune that others have missed.

Has anyone heard Tristan D DJ? Whats he like? Did Jules have someone filter tunes for him back in 1999?

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Has anyone heard Tristan D DJ? Whats he like?

I've not heard him - but judging by the line-ups he's been on, it looks like he plays Tech-House and/or Electro. Yet he's 'filtering' for Jules - a DJ more renowned for his 'banging' style. Seems odd!

A few years ago, Jules had two 'filterers' - Simon Patterson for the banging stuff, and Chris Barratt for the House stuff. That made far more sense.

Did Jules have someone filter tunes for him back in 1999?

I believe Jules did it himself then - as did most DJ's. It seems to have only been the last four or five years where having a 'filterer' seems the norm.

Eddie Halliwell = Shan

Tiesto = Montana

Judge Jules = Patterson/Barratt - Now Tristan D

Markus Schulz is world number 8 and does many 3 or 5 hour sets, runs his own record label, travels internationally much more than Jules and also hosts a weekly radio show - yet he finds the time to pick his own tunes. As a result, he's probably the most consistent DJ around over the last 2 years and he also has a specific "sound".

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imo jules needs a better filter for his sets

considering tristan d is apparently a techy dj, if hes filtering for jules, it clearly isnt working!

jules prob gets sents 500 promo's a week and prob does need someone to whittle down the crap to a managable 50-100, i agree if you do on average between 8-16 gigs a week you probably havn't got the time, but on the other hand NOBODY knows your taste apart yourself.

but selecting the tunes jules is doing with some of the utter crap iv heard in the monthly mixes imo he'll be lucky to be inside the top 50, let alone 75 in next years dj mag top 100.

If he played his sets more full on peaktime stuff like you often hear in the last 30 min mix on radio1 great, but if there constantly all over the show with no build up and off mixing and crappy tech trance or indie bootlegs he's going to lose alot of fans!

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but selecting the tunes jules is doing with some of the utter crap iv heard in the monthly mixes imo he'll be lucky to be inside the top 50, let alone 75 in next years dj mag top 100.

Agreed! I've said for some time now that without Radio 1, Jules would be outside the top 100 by now.

Very few "serious" clubbers take him seriously any more, and he's not helping himself with some of his choice in tunes - again, we've still got the bootleg issue and the dodgy unofficial remixes - such as that Tristan D remix of Chakalaka, which is the most pointless remix i've ever heard.

On his day, with some good tunes and some flow behind his sets, Jules can still be one of the best DJ's around - however, soemthing hasn't been quite right for a while now :(

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I agree brother, some of his monthly mixes have been shocking in recent months, His sets are all over the place. Either he is drinking too much or has genuinely lost interest. I lost my passion for Jules around 2002/2003 time. I hardly ever listen to his radio show any more

Jules has played some of the worst bootlegs I have ever heard in the last year or (ie. Tainted Love)

Lange vs. Andy Moor - Stadium Four vs. Tiesto - Lethal Industry (Richard Durand Remix) (Gareth Emery Mashup)- now thats a good mashup

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Jules has played some of the worst bootlegs I have ever heard in the last year or (ie. Tainted Love)

Yeah, and the worst part of it is, Jules is the one that has produced some of these ghastly bootlegs. That Tainted Love bootleg is the worst i've ever heard.

Its no wonder he's hardly being booked for the "proper" Trance brands now when he's playing tunes like that which can't be taken seriously. The most respected Trance brands in England are Gatecrasher, Godskitchen, Passion, Cream (not so much Trance these days - but a major brand), Goodgreef, Slinky, The Gallery and Digital Society.

He's played at Godskitchen once in 18 months (he used to be a regular!), Passion was yonks ago, Cream was yonks ago, he doesn't play at Slinky very often now (he was a regular there too), Goodgreef has been few and far between, Gatecrasher is about once every 4 months, and Digital Society have never ever booked him. Apart from The Gallery, it seems like the "big" brands don't feel that he's that important now - whereas a few years ago, he was a guaranteed crowd puller that they couldn't miss out on!

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Agreed! I've said for some time now that without Radio 1, Jules would be outside the top 100 by now.

Very few "serious" clubbers take him seriously any more, and he's not helping himself with some of his choice in tunes - again, we've still got the bootleg issue and the dodgy unofficial remixes - such as that Tristan D remix of Chakalaka, which is the most pointless remix i've ever heard.

On his day, with some good tunes and some flow behind his sets, Jules can still be one of the best DJ's around - however, soemthing hasn't been quite right for a while now :(

the things i kinda dislike nowdays are the shoddy bootlegs ( i know this is probably to win over the more commercial clubbers who are more into cascada than claudia cazacu but even so)

verrryyyy inconsistent sets, although the arena gigs tend to be alot better because there more planned and thought out

very bad tune selection/taste, whether this is just a change in taste or bad selection by the filterer i dont know, but when simon patterson was the filterer it was alot better, but i guess he's too busy now.

Jules on occasion seems to play maybe a belting tune like paul webters - the wolf and then it will be followed by something shocking such as the bloody s***ty mj bootleg (worst bootleg iv ever heard to be honest and im being honest there)

i think the sets should concentrate more on the peaktime stuff like he was back in 2004

i know music has moved on a bit since then but not that much.

I kinda do hope jules reads this thread really coz i would love a change, and sadly the person who i grew up listening to and was 1 of my inspirations to get a set of decks, now makes me wanna hear armin more or other dj's.

id love a change.

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i hate to say it, but i think it might be time for Radio 1 to axe Jules. Hes just not good enough anymore, and in terms of tunes, he's way behind a lot of other DJ's. He is no longer cutting edge. Radio 1 should replace him with someone else now, who i dont know, but he's had a good innings, maybe now its time for change?

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At the end of the day sirs, as someone said one here a while ago: Jules has been our gateway to further avenues of electronic music. And for that we must salute him for allowing that chance.

After all, that's why we're here, and that's why we have the tremendous archives of tracklistings and superb audio.

Much love and respect for Jules... he was the King in '99 and opened my ears to something quite different and special, and just for that he will always have my respect.

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Do ya know I still love Jules and he has always had a penchant for a bit of cheese, a tacky bootleg here and there, and caning and caning certain tunes. To me that's just Jules, and I see him as a 'gateway' DJ (I have used the term before) as he offers easy to get into dance music, of varying genres, and nothing too harsh for the ears in any particular direction. His recent radio shows have been good, although there was a patch of shows and a couple of live outings that disheartened me a bit. But I still think he is great, like GREAT!! :thumbsup:

Maybe radio one axing him could be a good thing, who knows, tbf when radio one first took him on, I was originally horrified at the thought, but that certainly worked out well. Different dynamics in situations, have a chaos theory going on. Things usually turn out very different to how you'd expect, so who knows, he most definitely HAS had a good innings.

However I do feel he is still just the same old Jules that he always was, I truly believe he hasn't changed. But TIMES have. :)

He is still packing in the punters too.

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id be sad to see radio1 axe him and i think it a bit strong to say its time to axe him.

i just feel he needs a change in terms of a different musical direction, most people say if it aint broke dont fix it, fair point, but when it is its time you should do.

I've said before i think he's trying to appeal to everyone and a very broad spectum of people in terms of playing the odd commercial and crap booty, thats fine, it could work in his favour, but i dont think he wants to be playing luminar leisure type clubs like liquids etc.

Change the music slightly for the better, more upbeat banging stuff like back in 2004.

Music has indeed changed and times have changed, but not all that much at all.

Back in 2004 jules was in the same musical style as say mark norman, ron van gelderen, richard durrand.

Now he's a very poor cross between Marco V, tristan D & the fooking killers! not that theres anything up with either of them arists but not at the same time!!

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I kinda do hope jules reads this thread really coz i would love a change

Jules has read our concerns over the amount of bootlegs before mate - and he denied they were a problem and said he was going to carry on playing them. He said that they work in the clubs and get a good reaction. They may well do in the smaller, more commercial gigs - but playing things like "Tainted Love" in a 'proper' Trance club like Godskitchen and Gatecrasher is not going to go down well. If Jules thinks they're getting a good reaction at those places, then he's out of touch because I was at Magna when he played his Mark Ronson bootleg - and people just said "WTF?" and gave each other funny looks. Jules can't hear those comments behind the decks so he's unaware of what's really being said about them.

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