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Be better to get swine flu now, get a month off work and be well for uni in sept

OR not get it and end up getting it when it mutates

I am a pretty hardy person anyway so I think I can withstand whatever life throws at me.

Is Swine flu one big fuss?


DO you have other things of greater concern on your mind?

SHOULD I get a job as a reporter?

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Is Swine flu one big fuss?


DO you have other things of greater concern on your mind?

SHOULD I get a job as a reporter?

Yes, its one big fuss - i've got it and its no different from anything else. Yes, its killed young and elderly - but we're hearing about it lots because the media have got something they cna milk and make money from. The young and elderly die from normal flu anyway because that also leads to complications - hence why "at risk" people have flu jabs.

Yeah, i'm also sick of hearing about it. The newspapers have been waffling on about swine flu and Michael Jackson for weeks now.

Yes, I have greater things of concern on my mind - i'm concerned that I go on holiday in a week and might have the urge to stay there :D

Yeah, apply for a job as a reporter. If you've got a story different to Swine Flu or Michael Jackson, then i'll buy your newspaper instead :D

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Flu is pretty sh*t actually.

I am not fed up with hearing about it as I am not really listening to anything about it unless I want to, I'm pretty sure if i worked in a doctors surgery though I would be very sick of hearing the words, and sick of people with colds thinking they are going to die because they sneezed alot or had a sore throat.

It's a new virus, which means none of us have immunity hence ALOT of people are going to get it all at once and seeing as the ordinary winter influenza can leave our hospitals over run with patients, I am sure it is a big deal to the medical profession. Luckily I am out of that profession now, so now all that bothers me is that my 2 girls do not catch it until they have been vaccinated (and then can't catch it at all) as they are in very high risk groups. But I am not going to keep them prisoner until the vaccine comes out, but they are washing their hands a little bit more, keeping away from the people who have been confirmed as having it, and I am glad the school holidays are on just in time. :)

My daughters have the flu vaccine annually too.

I don't read Newspapers. Only the local one on a Friday, but mainly as I can re-use the pages for the cat litter tray after, so it's not a total waste.

If I were Simon or Emy I'd wanna get it while I was at home and had time to rest it off, rather than at Uni for definite and if you haven't had it by the time you start uni, you will definitely get it there.

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