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Radio 1 schedule change

Max Kane

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Seems Radio 1 have decided that they need to change their schedule once again, they really seem to have their favourites & Annie Mac is definately the 'in' thing right now.

Quote from Radio 1

"The “ageist” reshuffle of Radio 1’s specialist schedule to try and reach their younger, target audience, continues this week.

The In New DJs We Trust series becomes a permanent feature at 9PM on Thursdays with the likes of Jaymo & Andy George, Heidi, Toddla T and Alex Metric all on the rota.

Annie Mac and Pete Tong switch places on the Friday line-up, with her show taking the 7-9PM slot, and his show now at 9-11PM – meaning that for the first time in some 15 odd years, The Essential Selection will no longer be the “official start to the weekend”.

On Saturday nights, Tim Westwood moves back to a solo slot from 9-11PM and takes the drivetime show on 1Xtra, while Mistajam takes over the 11PM – 1AM slot on Saturday nights.

Radio 1 Controller Andy Parfitt said of the reshuffle: "Taken together with our recent revamp of the core daytime schedule, this represents one of the most significant shake-ups of the whole schedule in recent times and will help us focus on a new generation of Radio 1 listeners".

I mean seriously, moving the Essential Selection to accomate the gash that Annie Mac peddles? I hope it backfires spectacularly & they have to change it back, utter s***. I hate the way that Radio 1 seem to wish to dictate what people like in this way. They made Jules play cross-over RnB cheese house & then took an hour off Tongy to allow Scott Mills to play the toss that he peddles in that friday floor fillers segment. Now they take one of the definitive dance music shows of all time & shove it in a second rate slot.

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How can anyone in their right mind justify putting Annie Mac on before the legendary Essential Selection hosted by the man himself "Pete Tong" ?

I seriously doubt that Annie Mac has the ability to kick start the weekend? Her show is absolute trash in my opinion. I wonder what Pete makes of the change himself

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I was thinking this would happen for months now. In a way it makes sense as I think Pete's show will always be better with Jules straight after. Both shows are better suited anyway as I often listen to some of Pete's and then switch off the radio before the 9-11pm slot.

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Every year theirs a reshuffle, gets worse year on year too, bad enough the days lineups changing let alone evenings.

Its funny that when Jules joined R1 he 3was the heir apparent to Tong, well it never happened, if anything its Annie Mac replacing Tong really.

As much as I dont bother with Tong anymore I feel that Annie Mac is still as pointless as the day she was given a evening slot.

Hell give bloodey Scot Mills floorfillers two hours just get rid of mac!

INDJWT having a earlier slot, hmm... not too bothered.

I can't complain really I listen to jules and fab & groove on listen again and thats it really these days...

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As I said on another board, this is suicidal for Radio 1. Pete Tong's show has the best figures out of all the dance shows and seemed to be the one show' that Radio 1 wouldn't mess with.

All I can say is, if Pete Tong, who has been Radio 1's 'golden boy' and the backbone of the Radio 1 dance shows, is no longer regarded as a crucial part of the dance line-up, then surely Jules must be at risk too?

Dave Pearce's job seemed safe - yet he's gone.

Pete Tong's job seemed safe - yet he's being moved out of a prime time position

Eddie Halliwell - seemed to be groomed as Jules's eventual successor - yet he's gone.

Judge Jules - has had his show moved numerous times, and must have lost listeners as a result of moving from a peak-time position - and seems to have lost respect in club land too. Job at risk??

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I couldnt believe this when i heard it. I'm sure i've said on here before, that Annie Mac can do no wrong in the controllers eyes (or ears). They really do rate her and its quite obvious now that they are grooming her to be the focal point of their dance output, which is worrying. She is not a pure bred club dj,like Pete Tong or Judge Jules, more a radio DJ who plays out in clubs. It would seem like now, Radio 1 has brough into this whole "Nu-Rave" bollocks.

Why tinker with the Essential Selection anyway? Surely its the one show which, no matter what type of dance music you like, we all seem to enjoy it? More worryingly is, if they are tinkering about with this, then whats going to happen to the Essential Mix too?

This is why i have slowly ported myself across to listening to Kiss now. They have Armin, John Digweed, Carl Cox and my current favourite show on there, X-Press 2's. The only thing i listen to on Radio 1 now is the Essential Mix, Pete Tong and Jules.

I would be interested in hearing the thoughts behind this move. In 15 years, Tong still has the highest figures for a dance show on R1, the essential selection has proved itself, do they seriously think Annie Mac is going to get them more listeners?

If i had to hedge bets on the which one would leave out of the three, my money would be on Jules. I personally think he'll get the push, which saddens me. You mark my words, i bet that Jaymo & Andy George will be the next "In New Music We Trust" DJ's to get confirmed, and they will replace Jules. It seems that Nu Rave is the way they are going doesnt it?

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i think they will be sorry when they get the last years quarter rajar listneing figures and there all down for the fri night dance shows after p***ing about with them.

pete tong is a dance instituion at radio, and if it aint broke dont fix it.

i dont enjoy listening to annie macs show, as much as the show is well produced, it just doesnt do anything for me and seems a bit more aimed at the commerical head..........however writing this, if its aimed at the commercial people, maybe putting it at 6, makes sense, as more people who like there commercial scene would listen at 6, rather than 9???

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In a way it makes sense as I think Pete's show will always be better with Jules straight after. Both shows are better suited anyway as I often listen to some of Pete's and then switch off the radio before the 9-11pm slot.

I agree with kml about that much. I would only ever listen to Tong and Jules anyway though, and miss that Friday night started with Tong and went on to Julesy and then I'd be in a club anyway. This was how it was when I was 20 anyway, now, because I am a Judge Jules fan I sky+ him and play him through the week as he is on so late, if I were a regular (weekly) clubber I wouldn't be listening to the radio at f****** midnight at the weekends, and tbh last time I went clubbing I was stuck listening to radio 1 on the way home at 4am and it was so f****** boring it almost made me die!!!

Unfortunately the reshuffles I fear do not get worse each year, we all just get a little bit older, and that's why you don't like the re shuffle, and the newer listeners who couldn't give a toss atm will listen to radio one, and when they get a bit older, there will be another re shuffle and they will be saying exactly the same as you are all saying now. It happens every time to a new set of people.

I remember when radio one got rid of Simon Bates and Simon Mayo and Annie Nightingale and stopped Bruno Brookes doing the TOP 40, I was pi**ed off about it, but that's how radio one works and stays WHAT it is. :confused:

Tongs had probably one of the longest runs ever .... he's been lucky, I can't imagine anyone else in that slot, I've only ever listened to him on there at that time, in fact before that I listened to KISS anyway,, as it was hard to find dance music on the radio, but now it isn't so things have really changed alot elsewhere too.

What I'm saying is, things don't stay the same forever, especially Radio one, the older you get, the more annoying Radio one is. :) (and that's how they want it)

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Unfortunately the reshuffles I fear do not get worse each year, we all just get a little bit older, and that's why you don't like the re shuffle

Age hasn't got anything to do with it really. Radio 1's dance schedule was at its best when it was Tong/Jules on Fridays, and Jules/Rampling on Saturdays. Then Radio 1 sacked Rampling over something stupid, and Jules chose to quit his Friday night show - so they brought in Seb Fontaine and Fergie as replacements. Then the schedule went rapidly downhill.

It then improved a lot when they brought in Kutski, Jon O'Bir and Eddie Halliwell as part of the dance schedule - and things started fresh again.

Radio 1 then decided to ditch O'Bir completely, even though his show was good and something different - and they put Eddie Halliwell on at a stupid time on a Thursday night. Then they brought in Annie Mac, who doesn't even have a specific style - her show is all over the place and doesn't have many fans. The Trophy Twins also got mixed reactions. Radio 1 suddenly developed a Mixmag attitude of "Trance is great today so we'll bring in new presenters and hype it up, but tomorrow, we'll ditch it all again because Electro-House is going to be the in-thing".

Then they moved all of the dance shows to unsociable hours (with the exception of Tongs), and put all the Urban shows on at those times instead.

At the moment, it seems like Radio 1 don't really want dance shows at all - but feel like they have to, so they've lumbered them all together in the silly hours and ditched all of the live broadcasts. Remember Jules playing at the Uni's live on Radio 1, all of the festivals each year, etc? - that was a massive part of radio 1 that has stopped. Even the Essential Mixes aren't all recorded in clubs anymore :( The dance shows must be struggling when they put them on at times that clash with people listening to that music in the clubs. It seems daft.

Its just down to bad programming and cost cutting - nothing to do with age.

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Annie Nightingales still on R1 Number 2!

the INDJ'sWT is laughable, I mean its just promoting people playing more of what is already played on R1 in general, exception being The Plastician, I not a dubstep fan but this guy served a purpose, a two hour show once a month, and he didnt last that long, hell Kiss have had Logan Sama for 4 years now and they don't look like they will be booting him off!

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I don't get this sudden age this that Radio 1 have started getting all anal over.

I don't suddenly switch on the radio one day thinking "ooh, this guy is getting a bit old now - i'll have to stop tuning in". If the show and presenter is good enough, i'll listen - whether the presenter be 20 years old or 60 years old.

The problem with Radio 1 is that they let things get too stale. I'm fairly neutral towards Chris Moyles - some days he's genius, other days he's highly annoying - however, he is good at his job, but the features are soooo stale. He was running that Car Park Catchphrase for years, and the whole show has been largely focused on trying to make listeners think that Aled is thick and gullible, when actually, he's quite an intelligent bloke.

The same with Scott Mills - that feature where he phones up listeners to play pranks on them has been running for years. It started off as being quite funny and a bit of a laugh - but after two years, it becomes predictable and boring.

If they were to change features around more, freshen things up, and ditch some of the poor, over-paid celebrity presenters in favour of PROPER radio presenters that have been in the job for years, then they'd have good personality-led shows.

Kelly Osbourne is NOT a radio presenter. Just because her family is famous, doesn't mean she's going to be good on radio. There's some bloody god local presenters such as Galaxy radio's Dave Kelly or Capital's Chris Brooks that have been superb at local radio - and would be great on Radio 1. They'll never get there though because they're not celebrities :(

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The fact that Radio 1 seem to be somehow proud to be messing with traditionalism ("meaning that for the first time in some 15 odd years, The Essential Selection will no longer be the “official start to the weekend”. ") really irks me. :angry:

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Yeah well I want back the radio one roadshow, bits n pieces, Our tune, and the golden hour. Hey where's Paul Gambicini??? <_<

I don't think it's ever been any different tbh!! I mean Radio one and it's way of doing things... Time to move on! :)

Quack quack oops!!

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I don't think it's ever been any different tbh!!

How can it not be any different? The music policies have changed, the presenters have changed, the show formats have changed, the outdoor broadcasts have stopped - in fact, there's hardly anything left of Radio 1 from two or three years ago.

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Ah, now I get ya!

Yeah, the changes over the last few years have spoilt things. The dance shows were always spot on for years - and then they had to change a winning formula by shifting all the dance shows t make way for urban rubbish.

The BBC already have a dedicated urban station anyway so if anything, the urban should be cut back on Radio 1.

Bring back the live broadcasts and re-instate the dance shows to sociable times on a Saturday - job done then :D

Also, bring back Dance Anthems and let Jules have that show. He'd be better off doing that. His current show can't be taken seriously any more. Its become the Bootleg & Tristan D show.

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I guess it's better to revamp and grab a whole new bunch of fans, and not give a toss about your comfy older fans, or listeners whatever you prefer. Because if they just continue on, they would just be like Cliff Richard, still have avid loyal fans, but be a joke to the rest of the population.

They kick us off before we tire and kick them off first. :)


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