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I've got my Digital DJing equipment up and running!! Thought I'd add some old tunes to my hard drive, started ripping my CD collection about half an hour ago and I have already increased the amount of tunes I can mix TEN FOLD!! Including many that I have never been able to get on Vinyl!! And loads I also have on vinyl but wouldn't be able to digitalise easily!!!!

I'm just very excited and wanted to share that!!!!


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Ah nothing grand atm, but it's a start, just my laptop I got for my birthday, and virtual DJ on here, my old mixer and my decks, can all be put together, however the vinyl volume is very different to the Mp3 volume so difficult to combine, but you can play plastic discs (virtual vinyl) timecoded to the downloaded tunes. Not done that yet, can't see the need to now, I'm just building up my music bank at the mo, I think the programme and the decks and mixer is ample!!

This is the first time I've happily downloaded any music, on purpose and willingly for future use. Bar a few select tunes!!

I've only been tangible up til now!!

So anyone got any links to fab tunes?? Only to fab tunes though .... ;)

HAVE IT ALL!!! (on the cheap) :)

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It's called Virtual DJ I beleive, and it basically works by looking like an entire DJ set up, with your music listed underneath, and you can drag and drop tunes onto either deck. You then just use it as you would decks, crossfader, pitch up / down etc. You can loop and effect in certain ways, there is even a scratch and record option, and clone tunes on either side.

IF ANY ONE ever tells me again though that laptop mixing doesn't beatmatch for you I may poke them in the eye, because although it doesn't appear to instantly beatmatch precisely it's a f****** load easier as it will sync the BPM on the other deck as long as you drop it in in the right place it basically does take the stress part of trying to make a tune fit out of it. But that would then leave you free er to re edit and re loop tunes to your own advantage.

I am so glad I have my vinyl and I will keep it all.

But it has expanded my music library ten fold in just a couple of days.


It's obviously not the best of the best, but it's a great new toy for me!!

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It's called Virtual DJ.

It looks great and is something I'm considering doing since my decks get far less use that how I used to play on em. Some days they are sat there wasting away and also loosing value.

I still love mixing and don't want to part with my decks, but this avenue could still provide me with an option and help space some space at home.

It's quite an expensive bit of software mind?

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Simon then?.... Also, just as an additional question here... the best way to back it all up incase my Laptop goes kapput or lost is what?

What do you do? :oddcake:

as i put on the other thread about the mp3's http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/archives/board/index.php?showtopic=5964

i'll copy it from there

backup wise an external hard drive is ideal, but hard drives are unreliable, so never trust them 100%, they can and do fail!........look at simon ross's situation, he lost s*** loads of stuff.

In an ideal world backup 2 identical copies onto 2 external hard drives, there the most easilly accessible form of backup device, and cheap nowdays for large ammounts, or use dvds, but large ammounts of data will require alot of dvd's.

Backup wise, you have to options, drag and drop your files onto an external drive, or use software to do it for you automatically......some external drives will come with this, most decent makes will, but not all, check the manufacturer's site and they will tell you.

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