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Simon Ross - I Like It Full Tiltin (Bootleg)

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and another one ...

Been making two bootlegs at the same time and have managed to finish them both at the same time haha. This is kind of speaks for itself. Full Tiltin by Timmy and Tommy but then vocals by Lucianna (notice a trend?) from a tune by Static Revenger and Richard Vission. I think production wise, I've managed to work with these vocals much better in their original form.


I hope you enjoy!


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Thats a fair comment mate, thanks for checking it out too. It seems to be the more popular choice amongst the new bootlegs with the punters but I don't think it comes anywhere near the old stuff I used to make :(

Here is a 320 download link for anyone that would like it ... http://www.sendspace.com/file/p9cyl4

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