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Just wondering.. ?


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I would like to think there will be. I'd certainly be up for participating. I'm afraid I am just so busy with work all the time at the moment that I couldn't take on the organisation of it right now. If no one has instigated the proceedings by October or so then maybe I'll have another look into it.

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How is this going by the way? I can't find the other thread... might participate this year with some House fusion! :)

Threads here mate. http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/archives/board/index.php?showtopic=6737

Aye get in on it!!

I think there's about 10 or so confirmed. Nervous about mine as it's the first time I've recored a mix in ten years.

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I wouldn't worry Milkybar, my mixing is appauling but I take part.

This Secret Santa btw, will probably be my last ever mix. I've hung up my dancing shoes now, Global Gathering 2010 was the last outing for me. Trying to motivate myself for the secret santa atm, then I'm done. :)

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