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my 1st new tune


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To my ears it needs:

Some sort of synth line or sequence of stabs an octave or two higher than the low stabs and EQ'ed to fill out the upper mid range.

A slightly snappier swing on the bassline (43% is a good starting point) and the bassline could do with a bit more boost at around the 60hz level (60hz is roughly the bass frequency that you can feel in your body).

A little reverb and panning on elements of the percussion to fill it out a bit.

Maybe a bit of stereo widening here and there.

Some heavy compression on some of the weaker sounding elements to give a little bit more of a kick.

Possibly sidechain some of the synths with the kick drum to give it a bit of groove.

Definitely liking what I'm hearing so far though. A bit more punch and a nice snappy swing & it should kick rather nicely.

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cheers man thanks for that im still working on it so far i dropped the stabs down a couple octaves and added a pad threw it im gona add

A little reverb and panning on elements of the percussion to fill it out a bit

im gona leave compression to the end of it and same with the stereo widening

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