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Robbie Nelson - Up In Smoke


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Has anyone heard or come across this tune? Edit: After a bit more reading found that this is out December 27th and that this is Robbie 'Nelson' as in Agnelli and 'Nelson' - or at least half of ;)


Only discovered the other day when I was listening to Subculture 2010 (2CD) John O'Callaghan, which I must say I'm not impressed with the mixing on the CD at all, feel's - sad to say - very amateurish, and fortunately the tracks compensate for it.

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Only discovered the other day when I was listening to Subculture 2010 (2CD) John O'Callaghan, which I must say I'm not impressed with the mixing on the CD at all, feel's - sad to say - very amateurish, and fortunately the tracks compensate for it.

Not wishing to give DJs excuses these days but CDs with (say) 18 tracks on often have to be heavily edited to fit on the CD... I've heard some edits before which actually snip out major parts of the mixing and just cut straight into the new tune at the track mark, which can sound pretty amateurish because it's pasted together at that point.

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Yeah know what you mean - kinda makes you wonder whoever edits them (and does that) does not know what they are doing. I've been guilty of that one or two times mainly with a Secret Santa mix or so in the past as I tried to get like 20 tracks on there, I much prefre to keep all of the mixing in there but then this makes the track get cut short :(

I'll listen to it again, but it just seemed that JOC 'cheated' on a few mixes e.g. bringing a track in on an outro of one or a riff breakdown...

Anyhow, that was me just having a little expression of opinion on the actual album where I heard the track; what do you think of that track then :) ?

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