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1 to leave you with for the Weekend?


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While i was in Asda today Shopping like a Peasant, i just put the last Item into my basket

Which was 2 big grapefruit.

As i got into the Queue there standing in front of me, a woman with an amazing bumper, Which took my

Breathe away, I am going to have to find miss right. soon and very soon, if you can help me please do. anyway the jokers

Is now ready for a very cold shower.....

I thought of 2 teasers to leave you with for the weekend?

Q 1. Even if they were starving, natives living in the Arctic will Never eat a penguin's egg

Why Not?

Q 2. what is the next letter in the following sequence? mamjjaso ?

Q 3. will i ever find miss right?

enjoy have a great weekend :thumbsup:

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Q1 There are no natives where the Penguins lay their eggs

Penguins frequent the Antarctic.

Q2 don't know and can't be arsed to work it out atm

Q3 probably if you make an effort, there is somebody for everyone.

I work all weekend.

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