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My first gig - a story and learning curve :)


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Wahoo had my first paid gig last night at one of our Halls' Xmas party - quite a big event too, if the fact that there were 3 rooms and a Queen tribute band!

I was on quite late tho, starting about 11:15 after two bands...which actually pissed them off a bit - but more on that later...

The equipment was excellent, big up to Laurence for sorting me with CDJ1000s! Wouldn't have been the same without em! That meant I didn't have to adapt as much to new equipment, what with having an 800 at home already. Vestax mixer too, quality.

So- following an indie Killers-Esque band, I needed to ease people in lol. So i started with Adam Freeland's Seven Nation Army - during which a Morrisey -a-like came up and asked for The SMiths - i was like err, no sorry but i'm doing dance!

At first it was a mostly indie crowd, so had to keep it a bit dirty for them, but then they gradually filtered away and as I dropped more commercial 90's dance, people who liked my genre filtered in. So as I had more and more people - decided to try dropping the odd more creditable track - went for Dormouse - Twist You Much...had a good reaction, which was ace, because the Janet sample really connected with people. Then I brought it back down for some more commercial stuff and lol, UK garage!

That worked tho, and people were staying. Was getting a few requests too - and people wanted to know what i was paying (ROck Your Body Rock) - pretty decent requests too. Although for some RnB - had to apologise on that one!

One random thing was the way people assume that as a DJ you know everything about the venue. I was asked where the toilets were and could I please gve this lost bag to lost and found? LOL. All good tho, I was expecting that and it was kinda nice!

Towards the end of my 2hr 15 min stint got a bit harder - played usual trance classic suspects like Delerium, Darude, Toca Me etc. Nice little mix was the CJ Stone mix of Born SLippy and then putting the real Born SLippy in the breakdown and continued with that - even a little cheer at that one! Then I dropped my bootleg out of the break of Silence so as the build up wouldn't be too hardcore for them! Seemed to like that too. Had naked dancers going at it old Skool. And some clapping too, that was cool.

The only dissapointment of the night were the aforementioned Indie band. The lead singer, who is a Hall Tutor (so older than me...and should know better) said I should play their track from their promo CD (only 40 mins after they had been on). I listened to it - it was very much like the Killers but obv didn't fit in with Dance Anthems type of things. He buggered off. But then he was back later with a band mate -- and then threatened me to play his tune! ('or else'). He kept on going on how he was a hall tutor and that he was in charge of this room blah blah blah - but i was like - I've been told to play commercial dance. Why would I deviate to rock to cater for him and his 3 pretentious bandmates when there are about 50/70 people perfectly happy with what i was playing? Then he pulled out the RF leads from the thankfully non playing CDJ. Actual knobhead. It really was just bullying tactics. I don't know if it was because he just couldn't understand that people actually enjoy dance music!

I had to go back at the end to look for my girlfriend's bag, but the band knobs were still hanging around. As i walked through the now empty room they sneered "worst Dj set ever". I didn't rise to it, I just said, "yeh whatever mate". Really immature.

Anyway, other than that it was a great night and a valuable experience. Getting paid too!

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wikked report mate, sounds like you built your set liek a true porofessional!!!

why oh why is there sum d***heads around - i was dj'ing in the arms the other day and this geezer just walked up to the dj booth and asked if i had any 'uniting nations' to which i replied 'no!' so he just stood right in front of me staring at me....i wasl ike ' sorry mate can i help u?' and he stared at me agin then walked off!!! well wierd!#

Why are there such nobs, and as u said christian, such prententious ones at that - they need to go get a life, pricks!

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well done on ur first set mate, i remember mine...bloody nightmare, i turned off the wrong cd and everything went quiet lol. u'll always get arragont idiots requestuing songs that just dont go with the style your playing at the time, what i do is just say 'yeh ok ill play it in a little bit' and then hopfully they just bugger off. There's alot of idiots out there that just dont have a clue, theyre usully the ones that arnt very opened minded towards music, sado's.

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Yeah you handled that pretty well Christian. I hate those moments where you're in a situation that you can forsee trouble and there's not a lot you can do about it. I've been a few myself, (very often coming out worse, it has to be said!)

Regarding those stupid requests you get from people, I think Frank Broughton and Bill Brewster in their most recent publication advocate the calm, friendly option, deep breath, and the "Yes I do, but unfortunately I don't have it with me tonight." :D

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I either say no flat out and accept the consequences (knowing that there's always more people on my side than their's) or I lie and say, "Yeah sure give me a few more minutes and i'll stick it on!"

There are too many idiots around - but if they were any good it'd be them in your position mate, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Sounds like a great night, thanks for playing 'Twist You Much'!

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You did the right thing there by staying cool, calm and collected. I bet that threw them as they were probably expecting you to argue back.

Pleased to hear you had such a successful night. The main thing is that you kept the crowd happy and its obvious they didn't like it.(the band) Very childish behaviour.

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sounds good, and I think everyone's pretty much summed up what to do with people like that.

I've not really encountered much of that, I always just say, yeah maybe in abit.

A lot of clubs I've played in though, the DJ booth isn't really accessible by the public so you don't get the idiots bothering you!!

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Very childish trying to destroy your set because you wouldnt play a CD. You're the DJ, you should have control. How come you were on after them anyway? You should employ some bouncers next time :D

It's also interesting to muse over the narrow-mindedness of our Rock fellows, that whilst us electronic fans enjoy their type of music (sometimes), they will never publicly praise any electronic music. Thus I think they're the ones who miss out, ultimately.

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