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Secret Santa 2013


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I'm in, expect craziness since I have nearly my entire vinyl collection ripped to cd's now!

This could be a contender for topping Pete Tongs ultimate mix! Well done there man!

What is this Pete Tong's ultimate mix that you speak of, Aza?

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I'm in, expect craziness since I have nearly my entire vinyl collection ripped to cd's now!

This could be a contender for topping Pete Tongs ultimate mix! Well done there man!

What is this Pete Tong's ultimate mix that you speak of, Aza?

Ah yes, I have this recorded! Should dig it out this weekend! :mrgreen:

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For those of you who have taken part in this before, is there a particular 'theme' for the mixes? Looking back at previous tracklists is seems that most people have done a classics mix of tunes Jules once played. Would this be the aim or are we able to include anything??

Cheers :thumbsup:

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Don whatever you want I have checkout my 2010 mix went from houes to techno to a downtempo then drum n bass happy hardcore then a slower track to end ! year before that I did my faves of t year then before that, it was all house tracks with piano in them. This year I am split between two or three ideas

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Anything and everything you like!

Over the years these have been real great fun - and personally something I endeavor to put much thought into.

A lot of us have approached from the angle of classic Jules tune which has been homage to this site, but also knowing the wider audience on here can share and listen.

With it being in the spirit of festivities at that time of year makes it just that that little extra special :)

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