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Having successfully nailed my 3rd essay earlier than I thought, I've heavily OD'd on caffeine pills. "Feel more awake" the packet says, how about that. :D

Ok might be stating the obvious there, but one thing's for sure - I'll never leave my work as late as this again. For the last 3 days I've been about as sociable as a badger being glued to my keyboard and books :evil:


What an intriguing image: glueing a badger to a keyboard.

Are you sure they're caffiene pills you have there? Would like to read these "essays" if they're as curious as that remark. :wink:



Haha, I've just tried editing that but it still doesn't make sense I don't think... I think my brain's tired but not my eyes!

What the hell are you doing on here at this time of night :?:


sorted then timmy!

how many pro plus u do? we usually have to neck at least 10 to feel the ffects - bit like pills tho - u feel a bi s*** after they wear off, lol!

I'll never leave my work as late as this again

That famous word 'Never' again :lol: Bit like the morning after drinking, being a new mod on jj.net, etc, etc :wink:


Same here Tim.

Had assignment set over XMAS before we broke up. Employed the moto, right get this done before I go back. Had two to be in yesterday by 4pm. Printed them off 3:45 and just bout done it. Quite happy with the standard, hope it passes though because it is my research proposal for my dissertation! :roll: :roll: :roll:


lol that's cutting it fine Aza! These essays were 50% of the module for this year, which someone worked out is 10% of my Spanish degree, but I'm not sure about that :?

It's very satisfying watching it all print out though :D


Bluerg, essays suck. Had a multiple choice exam this morning, they always screw me over. It was negatively marked as well, so "educated" guesses" only. I left out about 5 of the 43 qs in the fear that it would harm my overall (and probably average) score!


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