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Your take on illegal downloading?


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I know this is a well-oiled subject, but it is something fundamental to all of us. I think most of us are proper purchasers especially in the boom of internet download sites like Audiojelly springing up, but what's people take on here, do the music companies get enough or are we trying to restrict something (i.e. sound) that is uncontrollable in its form?

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Music companies have fleeced us in the past, now its our turn for revenge :twisted:

We all know its illegal, its widespread and I don't know how it will be stopped. However, I heard t'other day that films in cinemas are soon to carry a 'silent to the ear' noise that if taped, the dvd player will not play the recording. Home release DVD's won't carry this noise, so they will still work. Could it happen to music soon as well? Get your freebies while you can people!

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What freebies? I don't havent downloaded a single track that has been signed to a label of any filesharing jobby for a year now just anout, I buy everything legally, only bootleg remixes and stuff I donwload off ileshraing networks, not legally released stuff.

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We all know its illegal, its widespread and I don't know how it will be stopped. However, I heard t'other day that films in cinemas are soon to carry a 'silent to the ear' noise that if taped, the dvd player will not play the recording. Home release DVD's won't carry this noise, so they will still work. Could it happen to music soon as well? Get your freebies while you can people!

Interesting, yet weird stuff.

Read an article before about sony putting a kinda like virus on cd's to prevent them being copied before. Big thing about it on BBC site, amazon had to refund sales to customers as their machines were messing up!

Wonder how that DVD thing will work? There is always a way to break something... Always a way... ;)

I remember back in the day I used to copy VHS's - lol!

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Copy protection is something that annoys me, I know most do nothing at all to stop you, but if I've spent £10 or more on a CD, I want it on the PC in any format I want, copied over to my MD player, copy for the car so originals don't get scratched.. It only takes one person to rip a CD for it to become widespread, so I don't know why they carry on with these ideas :(

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...if I've spent £10 or more on a CD, I want it on the PC in any format I want, copied over to my MD player, copy for the car so originals don't get scratched..  :(

I totally agree with Bravestarr - surely all these people who make the rules up with copy protection etc aren't music lovers.

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