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Everything posted by FuzzY-LogiC

  1. Hey guys'n gals. Check this out. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/1829814 Reviews: http://headfonics.com/2016/07/the-isolate-noise-blockers-by-flare-audio/ http://hifipig.com/flare-audio-isolate-and-isolate-pro/ https://rideapart.com/articles/flare-audio-isolate-gear-review I know there has been some talk of tinnitus and the use of protective earplugs here. Having permanently damaged my own ears thanks to clubbing and concerts, I for one know the difference it can make if you learn to enjoy a night out with earplugs rather than waking up the next day with a ringing head. However, with all the good and bad earplugs I've tried, I always end up wanting to pull out the plugs for when the good tracks drop and you really want to hear and feel the music! In other words, I think earplugs distance you from the aural experience you want to have. These looks really promising though, specially because of the bone conduction which make me curiously intrigued whether I can actually have a good concert experience again, while protecting my ears! I just bought 4 Pro sets, for me, my girlfriend and my mate... and a spare set for when I have misplaced or dropped one of the earbuds Really hope they live up to the reviews! Btw, the price is going up after the Indiegogo campaign ends, so get it while it's lower than retail Oh and remember there isn't a price on your ears... I know £46 aren't cheap, but I do believe it's money well spent. --Fuzzy
  2. 1994-xx-xx - Judge Jules, Progress, Derby View File No tracklist for this set yet. Please help make one Submitter FuzzY-LogiC Submitted 07/10/2016 Category Other Judge Jules Broadcasts  
  3. 20 downloads

    No tracklist for this set yet. Please help make one
  4. Jivemaster: Do you happen to have the complete recording of Scott Bonds set? I'd love to hear it
  5. That was quite an interesting read! I can relate to a lot of what you wrote, but specially the experience about the live shows. When I was first introduced to BBC Radio 1 and specifically the Judge Jules live shows, my mind was blown.... not only was the tracks SO different and brilliantly mixed together, but listening at home in my room... the first hour on the stereo, but the next in my bed with headphones on (because I was supposed to be sleeping ;-))... It was like being beamed into the action next to the DJ booth!! That's the beauty of good quality live broadcasts. I miss those broadcasts.... oh the nostalgia. Welcome to the site btw
  6. Jason... you are correct! The Driver Project - Join Me (Julian D'or Club Mix) See second to last post at our friends at TA: http://www.tranceaddict.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22969#.V1nJ-yh95aQ https://www.discogs.com/Driver-Project-Join-Me-The-Remixes/release/21028
  7. TL edited and audio updated to exclude what was track 12 and the 'DJ Flavours - Your Caress' track at the end...
  8. righty... I'll edit those out and re-upload this beauty Thanks for the TL edits Jason! I searched high and low for that Reachin'.... nice job finding it!! :thumbsup:
  9. There are quite a few cuts in this recording, and I'm honestly not sure that track 12 is from the show... it might be something that was on the tape when this was recorded. Maybe Neuro can shed some light on this... i reckon this was your own recording that was once lost... am I right Tim?
  10. @JasonB: I've checked the D.P. Extended Mix from this release https://www.discogs.com/release/394223 It's not it... :|
  11. Sound like it's the same as Bond played in Australia in 2000: https://www.mixcloud.com/pablo-ep/scott-bond-live-gatecrasher-australia-may-2000/ It has the track (including intro) from: 1:12:48
  12. Another note: This set was originally uploaded by the user 'will' (in 2007) and somehow lost at some point in an upgrade I think. My apologies for not getting this online before... there is SO much audio needing to be sorted (as always :boohoo:). And on a personal note... if someone can ID that Join Me remix... I'll buy them a beer! :mrgreen: We used to have a thread about it back in 2008.... : http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/archives/board/index.php?/topic/3230-judge-jules-homelands-ireland-2000/
  13. Note from uploader 'rewop': This set contains the last 3 tracks by Scott Bond and then Jules with a serving of unrivaled Irish atmosphere I have kept the full file intact as Scott Bond's bit is unmissable!
  14. Louk, you're on an absolute roll!! :thumbsup: :mrgreen: TL will be amended shortly. EDIT: I added a few TL findings from
  15. That's wicked Searchy!! Really cool! :thumbsup: My curiousness is killing me... which tune is it?
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