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What's better!?  

15 members have voted

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I voted CD's, If you asked me the same question 5 years ago my answer would have been different.

But carrying CD's is alot easier then lugging heavy vinyl around, My back's hell of alot better from it.

On sound quality I would say that CD mixing doesn't give you the same sound as Vinyl cos I belive the levels are all set the same on CD's (Something I was told a while back ) and it doesn't give you the optimum sound you would get from Vinyl! Maybe someone can squash or backup this for me!

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I still dj the same old way, except I use Serato along side my other vinyl. The only reason for 'going digital' was because it is a hell of a lot easier to get new tunes.

I do still buy the odd vinyl though.

As for the quality of sound, the argument's been done a million times, but I think the most important point in my mind is that if you can honestly notice the difference in a club, then you aren't quite enjoying yourself enough if thats the sorta stuff you pick up on.

Never got into cd's whatsoever.

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Nah, of course not, you can definately hear the difference at times at home, but its impossible to say one is better than the other.

A perfectly pressed vinyl with perfect needles and perfect grounding with absolutley no feedback with the master made from the original analogue source, should sound better than on a cd. But if any of those variables deteriorate then it all becomes relevative.

Bearing in mind that most productions these days come from a digital source to start with, then you simply aren't going to get better quality than a .wav file.

And to be honest, after having my decks for 9 years, I can honestly say the difference between a well pressed vinyl and a 320kbps mp3 really doesn't bother me at all.

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CDs for me now, which is a shame as I still have all my vinyl & decks set-up but just can't justify paying well over the odds for vinyl records.

I was probably one of the last to make the switch but it had to be done, life is so much easier now & a whole host of clubs I've played don't even have the 12'' decks set up anymore so it's neccessity

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laptops for sure. 5 years ago i'd have said vinyl. Now i prefer to use the Technics in conjunction with Traktor. I've been baging on about this program and it really is that good. CD's i feel were just a "bridge" in the transition from Vinyl to Laptop.

I find CD's almost a restricting as vinyl, i dont like the way CDJ's are so sensitive either. I know on the 1000's you can adjust that, but its either to sensitive or not sensitive enough. They're good bit of technology, the CDJ's, but laptops are the way forward, whether you like it or not, its progression from CD's. I've never been in a bar/club yet though that hasnt had any 1200's, just that no one uses them anymore, on there own.

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Vinyl forever. You swines!!!! :pirate: :blackeye: :blackeye:

It's an impossibilty now really, every label's promo pool is digital & there are countless digital only labels, you'd have so little choice if you were 100% vinyl

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It's an impossibilty now really, every label's promo pool is digital & there are countless digital only labels, you'd have so little choice if you were 100% vinyl

Agreed! I wanted to stay with vinyl for as long as I could because I loved the 'hands on' feels - plus it made it more interesting looking through a box of records with sleeves that all looked different whereas all my CD's look the same - boring white with a sticky round label on.

I found it harder and harder to find tunes on vinyl though, plus I was already on a few MP3-only promo lists, so I switched to CD.

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It's an impossibilty now really, every label's promo pool is digital & there are countless digital only labels, you'd have so little choice if you were 100% vinyl

I think from what I know and have seen, which isn't loads I would say the best thing would be to use all of it, and get the best of all worlds, the effects and stuff you can gain from laptop use, the LOVE that is induced and the spectacle of DJ with vinyl, and then of course just the sheer availability of tunes on MP3!!

You do loose something by evolving from vinyl to digital I think, but you also gain stuff.

Looking at peoples home set ups too, shows that we don't really wanna let go of our vinyl! I don't, no matter if I had every tune from my vinyl collection in other formats, I do love them, each individual record. They all mean something to me, and I don't think a digital downlaod can have that effect. I wouldn't have searched hi and lo in second hand music shops or friends record boxes for them, they wouldn't have gone up or down in value in the same way, and once I had one, ANYONE could have one.

When you gain being able to get pretty much whatever you desire, it looses it's excitement.

I would rather see DJ's using vinyl too when I'm out and about!

I love records!


I think had I put a third poll choice in of "All 3 formats" it woulda come out top, but as it's only one choice, I'm saying Vinyl as it's what I know the best!

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I found it harder and harder to find tunes on vinyl though, plus I was already on a few MP3-only promo lists, so I switched to CD.

thats also the sole reason i decided to go digital, stuff just weren't coming out on vinyl anymore. i can now use both mp3's and old vinyl. best of both worlds.

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Actually since I posted that other thread about going digital I kinda dedided to stick with what I've got, as it is only a hobby for me basically, it aint worth spending tons, but after reading what everyone else thought I thought I may save up for a CDJ an old one will do me, then I will have the best of both worlds.

What's ya new job Judge mental?

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i use cds,

i did use vinyl some years ago.

why do i prefer cds? - tunes are more accessible, easier to get hold of, cheaper, i can carry 280 cds in a udg cd wallet and it still doesnt weigh half as much as 15 vinyls in a record bag!!

in terms of mixing with cds - its a common misconception that its easier to mix with cds, its pretty much the same as vinyl, although cds will hold the pitch a bit better, but the general concept is the same.

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Great minds think alike I was going to start a topic:

Vinyl or CD?

I only use VINYL and I LOVE IT....The sound, the feel, the fact I can easily pick out parts in the tracks that I want...I am so inspired by the DMC DJs I would to be able to do that

I mean I was thinking last night how do you manage with CDs? How do you download tracks? Do you download one track per CD but then you would have to buy loads of CDs, so if you burn 10 tracks per CD you can't then mix say track two with track four on one CD so do you burn another????

Also what if you want to cut in a phrase halfway through the track? How do you find it on a CD deck? With Vinyl you can just put the needle on and find a part dead easy

In fact how do you mix with CDs, how do you isolate one beat on one track to mix into the other track?

I just have never tried CD deck mixing...I am not ruling it our for the future but for now I love vinyl and long live vinyl!!!

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It's an impossibilty now really, every label's promo pool is digital & there are countless digital only labels, you'd have so little choice if you were 100% vinyl

Yes sir Bailey, but the poll did not say "to DJ with / go out dancing with today" - I think generally dancing to vinyl is better (no cheating allowed!) and of course the whole sex factor of DJing with vinyl is just better B)

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