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CD Decks....


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Stiil thinking about it. Hopefully we'll exchange contracts on the house this week, so it'll be mea pay-day in 5 weeks. Probs get it after we've moved - I'll have more time to play with it and its one less thing to pack

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Not really sure. Dance vinyl only, I suppose 400 or so. Never really counted, but the bedroom is awash with plastic tubs and record boxes. I've been buying vinyl since before I got the decks, as I knew it was inevitable!

I have loads of ***cringe*** indie stuff from the 90s and a fair bit of ***even more cringe*** rock from the 80s. I have never sold a single record and hope to keep it that way. Its a funny journey getting into dance sometimes :D

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haha - reckon the indie deserves the '****cringe even more****

haha, yeah i bought a few tunes before i bought decks, then it became an addiction - and when your a student and have no money the overdraft soon reaches an extremely 'unhealthy' level!!

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when your a student and have no money the overdraft soon reaches an extremely 'unhealthy' level!!

Very true! It just goes in an instant.

I'm buying a couple of tunes off Agent Munki & Infamous on this board, some classics, but it's gonna cost me close to £40! :?

Worth it though. I'm so keen to rediscover all the old tunes as well now to build up a quality vinyl collection

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, my CDJ1000’s arrived on Tuesday, and while I had used them before, I wasn’t really in a position to comment fully until I could mess around with them at will.

They are nice pieces of kit, and you can do lots of things with them that are really versatile. I’ve been able to do some great trickery with the looping, some weird samples and my mixer efx. Great fun and a nice addition to my setup, but that’s what they are, an addition. My 1210’s are never leaving my possession.

This whole transition thing, while the future of top Jocks unquestionably lies with CDs, it will be a long time before you see Technics disappear from clubs, in fact in many places they will never disappear. While in danger of sounding like a complete twat, the main reason why most people are going mental over the whole Pioneer CDJ1000 craze is not because of their inherent quality, but because they’ve got something that many top jocks are raving about and you can download the latest upfront tunes via soulseek/DC or whatever and play at being a super star DJ. With people selling their decks now and getting CD decks, I think you’re jumping the gun, since 95% of releases are still on vinyl. As for MP3s quality, you can hear a poor rip from a mile off, and if you know the system well you can also tell a good rip from vinyl/cd.

Yes I know that music is over priced, I know the middle men get too big a cut, I know it takes ages to be released, but f***ing hell spend some money. The collection of CDs and Vinyl I have is ultimately much more gratifying than a HD of MP3s. For the record, yes I have burnt CDs of MP3s, for instance when I my CDJs arrived I couldn’t resist burning some tracks I’ve always loved to mix but didn’t have, but it’s not something I do with any regularity.

Sorry for the moan, but coming from someone who spends way more than they can afford on music, its depressing sometimes. :(

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damn right mate. I couldn't agree more - i should be getting my cdj-800 tommoro and that an ADDITION to my vinyl decks - there just something about vinyl - whenever i think of a tune to mix in i picture esch tune in my head - and i see the vinyl sleeves as an 'image' - each one is individual whereas cd's are just faceless tunes. The advantages of cdj's are obvious but it just feels a little 'wrong' if u know what i mean!

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Due to the amount of releases still on vinyl, my CD decks have always been in addition. But, that works for me just fine. It's nice to have an option, and if you are strapped for cash then buying a single track on MP3 (such as Corderoy's Drifting from their website) is a perfect option.

I tend to picture sleeves, but to a greater extent the actual make up of the tunes themselves, i've learnt to adapt to CDs!

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