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Radio ones DJ's atm?


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Oi you! Have some respect for the longest serving lady of Radio 1!, but yes, I liked her breaks period, she won awards at breakspoll consecutive years, and then, maybe she got bored with breaks or it's popularity died down?

Tong is nowt to shout about the way music has gone so :P

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Yeah fair enough mate, Nightingale has certainly paid her dues :thumbsup:

I admit i have to skip the first 30 mins of Tong's show as it's always that SHM / Deadmau5 type sh1t. I still enjoy the rest of his show however.

Does anybody here listen to Carl Cox's shows??

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Does anybody here listen to Carl Cox's shows??

Usually check them on Mixcloud - hit & miss.

When he hammers out the techno he's magnificent - his housey stuff isn't really to my tastes though.

R1 DJs have zero appeal any longer. Maybe occasionally I'll listen to Tongy in the car but the others are chronic

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It's become a waste of license fee. Tong can be good at times but that's it, and the daytime DJ's have no character whatsover. Scott Mills can be ok but he won't be there this time next year. It's like they are androids, told to like and talk about certain things by Ben Cooper.

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Ben Cooper's hands seem to be tied a lot of the time by the phantom, all conquering force, that is the BBC trust.

They justified replacing Moyles as they felt R1 was not appealing to it's intended audience of 18-25 year olds - as Moyles was too old and "not in their demographic" - and then they hired a 28 year old!

R1's charter should just be to appeal to all ages with good music and relevant DJs - or perhaps a broader spectrum like "under 40s", if you stop being in R1's demographic when you hit 25 then you're f*****. Radio 2 is, by and large, targetted at 40+ and R3, R4 and 5Live are hardly inspirational listening for 26 - 35s are they?

The BBC is the classic British beurocracy - regardless of how magnificent it is and the stupendous things it can achieve (see the Olympics coverage) there will always be some charter, committee, lobby group or politicians who f*** it all up

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Radio in general, from local to national, has deteriorated in quality over the years - mainly due to drops in listening figures because of other options available to people that werent around 10 years ago. iPods, DAB radio with far more stations to choose from, phones that store music, Podcasts, Youtube, etc.

Local radio used to be fantastic - especially the little one-off stations that were independant. There were loads of good presenters that all had their own personalities and were allowed to venture outside of the usual playlist to add their own touch to the show.

These days, most of, what were, independant local stations have been taken over by big radio groups such as Heart FM or Capital (formerly Galaxy) - and most of the shows are now networked. Your local Oxford or Coventry Radio station could now be broadcast from Reading or Birmingham, with the same identikit output and presenters as their other stations within the group 50 miles away. They just drop a few pre-recorded local references in now and again so that your average punter still thinks that his local station is still local - when actually, it isn't. Now and again, my local station occasionally plays the the wrong "local" news - and we get Worcester news and travel instead. A town 40 miles away! Stations now have a repetitive playlist of around 30 tunes on continual repetition. The presenters have to stick to a scripted station format and can't add their own style to a show. Its become very tedious and boring.

In Radio 1's case, in my opinion, their mistake is employing celebrities instead of natural radio presenters. There are some fantastic presenters out there on local radio that are 10x better than the likes of Fern Cotton, Sara Cox and even Moyles - but they rarely get discovered. Radio 1 have had some truly awful presenters, such as Fern Cotton, who have no radio personality or charisma, no natural radio ability or anything about them that makes you want to tune in. They had Kelly Osbourne at one point? Seriously? They're also on ridiculous celebrity wages - not radio presenter wages.

Whilst the BBC keep getting lots of TV licensing money thrown at them, they'll continue to have that policy. They get the same amount of income regardless of how many listeners they get - whereas in Commercial radio, listening figures are crucial. If you have a presenter that people don't like, people will switch off - and if people switch off, their advertising appeal reduces and then they lose income. If a presenter loses listeners in commercial radio, the station will soon get rid of them or move them to a "graveyard" slot. Radio 1 keep them - they just try them in another time slot. Yeah, because that makes a difference.....

If the government suddenly decided that BBC Radio was to no longer be funded by TV license money, you could almost guarantee that within a few months, there would be a massive overhaul of the presenters and music format, because their current format is outdated, expensive and run with a policy of "carry on regardless". The expensive celebrity presenters would be soon out of the door, and replaced with cheaper, but far better, specialist presenters that have worked their way up from impressing in local radio.

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R1 think that these t4 presenters and the like will attract the teeneagers that watch them shows to the station, just because you look good on tv doesn't mean you are any good on the radio, theres been so many people that have had perfect radio voices and manners and look horrid so.. maybe look good and sound horrid :lol:

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Agreed that radio overall these days is mostly awful and uninteresting. Could you imagine someone like Mark & Lard getting a show today? They wouldn't even take that chance because they aren't bland enough to fit in with the rest, and would actually say if they didn't like a song on the playlist. Capital FM apart from Andi Durrant is a disaster, at least Galaxy would throw in some older tracks now and again. So would Radio 1 at times.

Even the pirate stations have gone downhill too. I used to love Groove FM that broadcasted here in the midlands, they were raided a few times but were on air in 1998/99/00 & 2001. They even sounded professional and played upfront tracks at the time:-


Pirate stations today around here seem to be stuck on that awful 4x4 garage that burned out 4 years ago.

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