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Everything posted by Number2Fan

  1. I want it!!! Link me to that 15 pound one, coz I can't find it .. EDIT - Found it, and it looks to be a shit copy even by my standards, coz I'm not too bothered by sleeves etc on my dance tunes, as long as I can play the tune. I'll keep my eye on that.
  2. This is my favourite Friday Night Show. 26-11-1999 uploaded by Simcut. I think at this particular time I was out clubbing all weekend every weekend and listening to my taped Jules shows all week, but as I got a shout on this one, I kept it in the car for alot longer and the tunes really take me back to that time now. But just look at the tracklisting, I actually thought Judge Jules was a GOD and I never thought it would end. I do still have the tape of this show upstairs but no tape player, and so I am eternally grateful to Simcut for looking after his tapes far better than I ever have. I'm still wanting to buy this tune, all these years on.. 07. Lexy & K-Paul - 'The Greatest DJ' [Low Spirit Recordings] I made a tape for my friends party, and I mostly used tunes from Jules shows cut together with other stuff. And it actually worked. Bar a couple of 'give it to me judge' jingles lol http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/archives/board/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=201 I'm flicking through alot of other shows, all the final mixes are awesome for me, but I do love this show 11-12-1998 http://www.judgejulesarchive.co.uk/archives/board/index.php?showtopic=5322&st=0 do you know what so many are so so good. So many brilliant records have been made and I'm so glad I was there to be a part of it, albeit a small part, I do feel like I WAS THERE!!! The Bar M one above, in Fuzzys choices, I never taped, but it was bloody good, and I've always remembered hearing it on the radio in my kitchen att, I rang my friend to tell her to put it on, I was enjoying it that much. You can sense the atmosphere ...
  3. Hmmmmmmmmmmm I'll have to give this one some serious thought. You say mix, not show yeah?
  4. Is it all on one download now then? :thumbsup: Thanx to everyone involved in getting this one together.
  5. I thought this was the last half hour though!! I'm confused now. I thought someone had given the last half hour, people were iding it, and now it was here
  6. Where? Which ones? I'm on a download frenzy today! :thumbsup:
  7. Simcut this is amazing stuff yet again. If I didn't already have three children, I'd be offering to have your babies right now! I'm just on that Moonman Bootleg atm, I hate that loving you tune, but Moonman always gives me the total shivers!! Judge Jules was a f****** god!! Few bootlegs in here int there? Eh? Blank and Jones - Cream an amazing tune!! Sometimes less is just so much more! Trance at it's best! :wub:
  8. NICE ONE!!! I'm allover this like a rash!! Thanx Simcut! X WHOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  9. Ah Jaylo, I think I'll give yours a thorough listening next!!
  10. Hello friends. Yes it was Chrissie, but now it's a bit of an older one!! :)

  11. Just downloading this one now. Many thanx to Simcut, as this looks amazing. Can't beleive 106 ppl have downloaded this before me, and yet I am the first to reply?? Well done Simcut and thankyou for sharing. :thumbsup:
  12. Well don't just come here and say nothing!!

  13. The only thing that makes me think he didn't make the tune is, that it was too good for a tune made by Jules in 2000, his productions weren't so good as that IMO If he did make it, maybe we will get it out of him in the end though, which is good, but if he made it then he must have had help from someone. Great some people have shown an interest in helping to ID it, from my facebook link, I'm not sure how reliable they will be, but they seem certain they'll be able to ID it. LOLOL Ah well you never know eh :confused: LOL Though this statement is a worry? -and if I find it, what do I get?
  14. I'm having some trouble finding them... I'll persist though, I was also thinking about Ralph Fridge...? He made FU*KLOADS of tunes in 2000!!!
  15. I don't particularly reckon it's either of them or both, but they were making alot of good tunes around that era....so they are certainly worth looking into. Plus I recently bought a Nalin and Kane tune, which is what reminded me of them. They didn't seem a samey act to me either, so maybe, just maybe.....
  16. I was gonna mention Nalin and Kane, I probably can. What are their real names, I don't wanna ask the wrong people.....
  17. Col Hamilton said Col Hamilton Sorry cant help you, sounds like a julesy tune rather than mine Which is true....innit!
  18. Response... Hi Lynn, I don't know this one I'm afraid (shameful I know)! Sounds like a good'un for the time. Best, Darren (Darren Tate) AM I ALLOWED.... to pop clip number two onto my facebook page please?? In case the person who done it is on there??
  19. Where can I get the last bit of this one then? Is it on this download?
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