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Everything posted by Number2Fan

  1. I don't remember him doing them at The Gallery. I guess he thinks they're comedy value? TBF I doubt the clubs would ever approach him and tell him not to use them, maybe that's half the trouble.
  2. 95% I don't reckon it's that high anymore.
  3. Tubby D certainly encourages him, plus the vodka cranberries and hearing loss, those jingles become AWESOME!!!
  4. That was the thing that shocked me, that even on a night far from commercial he was jingling 2 or 3 times per record. With people coming up to me looking confused as to why he was doing it. Lol I asked him via email many times, but never got a reply ...
  5. Load of wank!! It's all a load of wank and old and tired and ferked up!! Out with the old and in with the new I say!!
  6. Me neither but I try not to talk to f***wits!!
  7. Except Deadmau5 urged his fans and voters to vote for his cat, as he himself got a high placing despite not calling himself a DJ. He doesn't play other people's music. I think Meowington has a good chance. Of course I will prob be proved very wrong, but I hope not!
  8. That's how I understand. There is medication that can help, but I haven't tried it, as I already take medication daily. You do still need to protect your ears, they can be damaged further and the Tinnitus can get worse, or you could go deaf.
  9. They don't need to cheat, clubs are full of mis informed wankers nowadays anyway, and the line between the Ritzy and a muso's club is blurred now. Guetta will get loads of votes, cheating or not cheating. C'est la vie (Jules did mention that the poll still means a lot to him) I voted for Meowington Phd - Deadmau5's cat!! I hope it wins, something like that will end this farce. X
  10. I used to spot a DJ by a few moments of a mix, I thought I had an amazing skill. Could spot Jules within seconds. I could still spot a mixer/producer tho I think. But not all of them like I used to... There's too many bland ones now.
  11. Number2Fan

    Mr MW

    I like this even more.
  12. FOSHO!! And more everything with it, passionate, animated, spectalular......... not so much in a skilled or unskilled way, just BETTER! TBF the records were better too, and the art of mixing has changed alot, and perhaps moved on from what Jules was greatest at.
  13. Number2Fan


    Welcome to this part, and many other similarly themed parts!
  14. I've tried the search, I tried just looking but I can't find it, and I had it on my tune-in app, but now I haven't so somebody show me where I can find Jules' final show please, and predominantly the final mix. Thanks
  15. Oh no no no no no. Ayla is perfect. I love it. Can't describe how it makes me feel when I hear even a smidge of it. In fact just imagining the first few notes as I type this, makes me feel like I'm in love, inside!! MBK now whenever I play a bit of Westbam, which is probably at least bi-monthly I will envisage Sonic and Tails. And my son is currently in a Sonic the Hedgehog phase too...
  16. Which reminds me brainbug - nightmare
  17. I never really liked it. I did quite like a bootleg I got much later which mixed it with the DJ Sakin and friends tune ... But the plain old silence never touched me
  18. I'm so upset by this, you can't begin to imagine!!
  19. I wouldn't call that a sample, but Thankyou for ruining one of my favourite records. You've shattered so much. Omg. Figures tho. I also dislike Delerium - Silence and Black Box - ride on time.
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